Wednesday, March 8, 2017

ACTION: Call to Protect the ACA

From Indivisible Oregon...
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
How bad is Paul Ryan’s legislation to repeal and replace the ACA? He calls it a “Patient Choice Act” but it kills choices, so we will call it “Ryancare”—in order to lay the responsibility squarely at his feet. He calls it an “act of mercy” but it is closer to a mercy killing. For those who think that is strong language, consider this…
The ACA gave us: more people covered, better care, financial help, and more security. Ryancare gives us: 20-30 million fewer people covered, poorer quality care, ruinous consumer costs, and richer billionaires. When people don’t get health care, they die. And they will die broke.
Ryancare proponents know how atrocious their plan is—that’s why they’re giving Members of Congress only a few hours to review the bill, and they’re ramming it through committee WITHOUT a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Score, which would assess the impact on our lives (as well as financial costs).Our Members of Congress have unusual influence here. Three of them are on the committees voting on the bill this week (Greg Walden, Kurt Schrader, and Earl Blumenauer). And ALL our MOC’s can insist on a CBO score, and demand that any replacement be at least as good as the ACA.
(Scripts below are for EACH of Oregon’s Members of Congress, but remember you’re only making three calls: 1 call to each of our 2 Senators, and 1 call to YOUR US Rep. If you have family or serve medical patients from Greg Walden’s district—even if you are not his constituent—consider calling him also, telling your story, and urging him to STOP THIS BILL.) 
Sample script:
“My name is [---], a constituent from [city], Oregon (zipcode). This week the ACA is in danger, and Paul Ryan’s replacement promises catastrophic medical and economic effects on millions of Americans. I would like to thank the Senator for his ceaseless efforts to protect the ACA so far. Today, I would like him to publicly call for NO VOTE on Ryancare until the CBO completes its evaluation of the bill’s impacts—beyond 2020 (the year some of the worst components kick in). Since any CBO score will show how destructive Ryancare will be, we would also urge the Senator to repeatedly and forcefully state that NO health bill will pass the Senate unless it provides at least the same level of care and benefits as the ACA. Please treat this as the urgent life or death issue it is.”
(Find your Representative here:
Sample script for Susan Bonamici and Peter DeFazio:
“My name is [---], a constituent from [city], Oregon (zipcode). This week the ACA is in danger, and Paul Ryan’s replacement promises catastrophic medical and economic effects on millions of Americans. I would like to thank Representative (---) for (his/her) strong efforts so far to protect the ACA. Today, I would like Representative (---) to forcefully call for NO VOTE on Ryancare in the House or any of its committees until the CBO completes its evaluation of the bill’s impacts—beyond 2020 (the year some of the worst components kick in). Since any CBO score will show how destructive Ryancare will be, I also urge (him/her) to repeatedly and forcefully state that ANY replacement health MUST provide at least the same level of care and benefits as the ACA. Please treat this as the urgent life or death issue it is.”
Sample script for Greg Walden:
“My name is [---], a constituent from [city], Oregon (zipcode). Today, Senator Walden holds the power of life and death over tens of thousands of his own constituents in his hands. He knows that Paul Ryan’s ACA repeal and replace plan will have catastrophic medical and economic effects on his district, as well as up to 30 million people nationally. I am appalled that—as the powerful chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee—that he would encourage a party-line vote on a bill that until yesterday was in a locked basement closet, and that—shamefully—is being rammed through without the CBO score that would clearly spell out its devastating effects. I urge Representative Walden to STOP THIS PROCESS NOW. He is one of a handful of our Members of Congress who has the power to do so. If he doesn’t, those in his district who will lose their families’ health care—and even lives—will never forget this day.
Sample script for Kurt Schrader:
“My name is [---], a constituent from [city], Oregon (zipcode). This week the ACA is in danger, and Paul Ryan’s replacement promises catastrophic medical and economic effects on millions of Americans. I would like to thank Representative Schrader for his strong efforts so far to protect the ACA. Today, as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, he is in a position to publically and forcefully call for NO VOTE on “Ryancare” in the House--or any of its committees--until the CBO completes its evaluation of the bill’s impacts—beyond 2020 (the year some of the worst components kick in). Since any CBO score will show how destructive Ryancare will be, we would also urge him to INSIST that any replacement health MUST provide at least the same level of care and benefits as the ACA.”
Sample script for Earl Blumenauer:
“My name is [---], a constituent from [city], Oregon (zipcode). This week the ACA is in danger, and Paul Ryan’s replacement promises catastrophic medical and economic effects on millions of Americans. I would like to thank Representative Schrader for his strong efforts so far to protect the ACA. Today, as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, he is in a position to publically and forcefully call for NO VOTE on “Ryancare” in the House--or any of its committees--until the CBO completes its evaluation of the bill’s impacts—beyond 2020 (the year some of the worst components kick in). Since any CBO score will show how destructive Ryancare will be, we would also urge him to INSIST that any replacement health MUST provide at least the same level of care and benefits as the ACA.”
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