PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW Kudos to INCO activists for their recent letters in the Astorian about the accomplishments of the Biden administration! You can help ensure that every issue of the Astorian from now til November has at least one Letter to the Editor recognizing Biden's and Democratic achievements.Write a few sentences or more, up to 250 words. Send to, along with your name, address, and phone.
"The economy under Biden shows that his traditional vision of a government that supports ordinary people rather than cutting taxes and funneling money to “makers” works; the extraordinary unity of NATO in the face of Putin’s determination to advance authoritarian goals shows that multilateral cooperation rather than unilateral military action works, too. For those determined to regain power, disruption and destabilization are the order of the day." -- Heather Cox Richardson, newsletter, February 12, 2022 BE A LETTER-WRITER |