Wednesday, October 31, 2018



Friday, November 2, 4 pm - 5:30 pm at Bebe and Eric's 
Bring your phone / laptop / iPad. Space is limited so please RSVP to We’ll meet up afterwards at El Trio Loco Mexican Restaurant in Gearhart.


Make those important calls to voters to fit your schedule. Sign up with the national Indivisible phone campaign to make calls for candidates endorsed by Indivisible and for key state ballot initiatives. Sign up here.
  1. Voters in AZ-06 for IndivisiCandidate Anita Malik
  2. Voters in CA-22 for IndivisiCandidate Andrew Janz
  3. Voters in CA-48 for IndivisiCandidate Harley Rouda
  4. Voters in CA-50 for IndivisiCandidate Ammar Campa-Najjar
  5. Voters in FL for IndivisiCandidate Andrew Gillum
  6. Voters in IN-09 for IndivisiCandidate Liz Watson
  7. Voters in NJ-07 for IndivisiCandidate Tom Malinowski
  8. Voters in TX for IndivisiCandidate Beto O'Rourke
  9. Voters in MS where there are TWO Senate races, with two strong Democratic candidates -- Mike Espy and IndivisiCandidate David Baria

The Oregon governor's race is tight. Text (503) 386-9799 to tell the Kate Brown campaign you want to phone bank.


Help Carolyn win won of the 23 seats the Dems need to take control of the house. Click HERE to phone bank for Carolyn in WA-3, our closest swing district.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Next week is the most important election of our lifetime – a major milestone in our movement. We have shared so many milestones together. We have called our Members of Congress, shown up at their offices, and attended town halls together. We have registered voters, canvassed, phone banked, text banked and sent postcards together.

Now we vote together. A milestone in our movement. Our movement does not end next week. November 7th we will wake up, celebrate our victories, and mourn our losses. Then we take note of what worked and what didn’t, while we make plans to stop the GOP lame duck agenda of cutting our safety net, cutting taxes for the rich, and rushing judges. Together we will keep working to defend our democracy and plan for the next election.

In one week the world will see our values, see us standing up for: human rights, healthcare, voting rights, women’s rights, black lives matter, LGTBQ rights, immigrants, those with disabilities, survivors, gun violence prevention, diversity, and truth.

Do what you must to wake up November 7th with no regrets. Then join us in the next steps of our movement. Towards a future that is better and bright.


Join us at #ResistTrumpTuesday on Tuesday, October 23, at 11:30 in the courtyard of Senator Merkley’s office, 121 SW Salmon Street. We will meet with Senator Merkley’s staff and:
Thank Senator Merkley for listening and doing all he can to defend our democracy and working for progressive values. Ask that Senator Merkley do all he can to protect our safety net, stop new tax cuts for corporations, and stop judges from being confirmed in the lame duck session.


Oregon is a vote by mail state.  Vote as SOON as you get your ballot.  If you haven’t received your ballot by Oct 25th go here.

After you vote, influence others to do so: VOLUNTEER.  You can have a major impact on the election by talking to voters and reminding them to turn in their ballots.  Now is the time. Find details and RSVP here


Oppose anti immigrant rules to allow indefinite detention of children and to limit immigrants’ access to safety net programs. 

File a comment in OPPOSITION to the rule proposed by the Trump Admin to allow for indefinite detention of children.

File a comment in OPPOSITION to limiting immigrants’ access to SNAP and MEDICAID

Monday, October 29, 2018


Indivisible Oregon
10 hours ago
CALL TO ACTION:October 29, 201810-29-18
A volunteer-run, grassroots organization empowering Oregonians to engage our US Members of Congress in resisting the perilous Trump agenda

Friday, October 26, 2018


Indivisible Oregon
2 hours ago
CALL TO ACTION:October 26, 201810-26-18
A volunteer-run, grassroots organization empowering Oregonians to engage our US Members of Congress in resisting the perilous Trump agenda

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Indivisible Oregon
12 hours ago
CALL TO ACTION:October 25, 201810-25-18
A volunteer-run, grassroots organization empowering Oregonians to engage our US Members of Congress in resisting the perilous Trump agenda

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Indivisible Oregon
12 hours ago
CALL TO ACTION:October 24, 201810-24-18
A volunteer-run, grassroots organization empowering Oregonians to engage our US Members of Congress in resisting the perilous Trump agenda

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

INCO Weekly Newsletter 10/22

If there's no Blue Wave victory, Trump and the GOP are unleashed:
  • The end of Robert Mueller’s investigation
  • The loss of health insurance for several million people
  • More threats to reproductive choices, including birth control
  • More authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption
  • More threats to objective reporting and journalists
  • More tax cuts for the rich
  • More attacks on air, water, voting rights, public lands, emergency response
Help your friends and neighbors Storm the Midterms.
Let's get out the vote!

Sign up now to make the Blue Wave happen.
INCO Recommends:
NO on Ballot Measures 103, 104, 105, and 106

INCO Endorses: 
Tiffiny Mitchell, for the State Legislature, House District 32
Governor Kate Brown
Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici

INCO is not endorsing candidates at the county or local level.
Ballots are due Tuesday, November 8 by 8 pm. Postmarks don't count.
At Michelle's in Astoria: Ten adults, with six kids under age 4 -including a baby - wrote 150 postcards to urge voters to vote. Great photo, Michelle!
At Bebe and Eric's in Gearhart:  Postcarders have written more than 3000 cards to voters in Oregon's 2nd Congressional District - Trumpster incumbent Greg Walden vs. Jamie McLeod-Skinner - that's 14% of the 22,000 target number of cards.

Everyone welcome! Our colorful postcards increase voter turnout!
Postcard party at Michelle's, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. 1290 Irving, Astoria
Wednesday, October 24
Friday, October 26
Monday, October 29. 

Park down the street, walk up the driveway east of the blue house. Brunch snacks and drinks will be provided. Babies and young children welcome with a caregiver.

Postcard party at Bebe and Eric's, 661 10th Street, Gearhart
Friday, October 26. 4 - 5:30 pm.
ast off Cottage, park on the street, not in gravel area across the street. If you'd like, join us afterwards for food and drink at El Trio Loco Mexican Restaurant on Hwy 101 in Gearhart.

Postcard party at Lovell Taproom at Fort George Brewery, 428 14th Street, Astoria
Wednesday, October 24 at 5 pm
Created by Nicholas Bowling and Really Do Care: INCO Under 40s
In-person contact with voters increases voter turnout!

Saturday, October 27, 10 am - noon, Ilwaco/Ocean Park (carpool option from Astoria)
Saturday, November 3, 10 am - noon, Long Beach (carpool option from Astoria)
Sunday, November 4, 3 - 5 pm, upstairs from the Labor Temple at 934 Duane St, Astoria
Over the weekend, Beeb Ashcroft and the INCO Under 40s wrote postcards to voters in key races in Georgia AND wrote  letters to DHS opposing the Trump administration's cruel family separation policy. Send your own letter to #DefendFlores here by November 6.
Only 15 Days Left for Us to Get Out the Vote
PHONE:  Direct contact with voters makes a difference! Sign up to do phone banking to elect a wave of change.

•  Letters to the Editor (LTE) urging "NO" votes on ballot measures 103, 104, 105, and 106. We need to counter corporate and right-wing forces that are behind these measures. Send to or through the website.

A roll of 100 postcard stamps costs $35.00.  Please contribute any amount through PayPal so INCO can buy more postcard stamps to reach more voters, or mail your check to INCO, PO Box 536, Warrenton, OR 97146. Thank you to the generous donors who've pitched in already!
INCO canvassers are going out Saturdays and Sundays in Clatsop and Pacific Counties. 
Let us know if you can help here.  No experience needed. Across the nation, door-to-door contacts with voters have been putting even long-shot progressive candidates over the top. 

Share our INCO Voter Guide! We have several hundred copies to distribute, and you can help. Contact for details.
 Candidates (and more) Corner 
Learn more about candidates with KMUN podcasts of the AAUW Candidates Forum on October 3 and the Astoria Mayoral Debate on October 10.

The governor's race is close! Volunteer to re-elect Governor Kate Brown. 

Contact for yard signs for Kate Brown, Tiffiny Mitchell, or Suzanne Bonamici. 

Sign up to Storm the Midterms with INCO to help flip two nearby seats and elect DemocratJamie MacLeod-Skinner in OR-2 (Oregon's 2nd Congressional District) and elect DemocratCarolyn Long in WA-3.

Check our Facebook events page for opportunities to meet city and county candidates.
October 17-23 - Ballots mailed. If your ballot doesn't arrive by October 23, contact the County Elections Office at 503-325-8605 or in person (address above).

November 6 - Ballots due by 8 pm. After Wednesday, October 31, take your ballot to an official drop box, listed here.

INCO's Vote the Future website shows all candidates for office in Clatsop County, INCO's endorsements for ballot measures and candidates, and local measures on the ballot. 
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
All Indivisibles are welcome at all these events and meetings.
Scroll up to see this week's Postcard Parties and canvassing. 
Now through Election Day, November 6 - Help INCO #StormTheMidterms. Sign up for canvassing here; phone and text banking here.

Friday, November 2 - INCO Under 40s "Wine & Whine" Group meeting, 5 pm, Seaside. For directions, send an email to

Tuesday, November 6 - Ballots due by 8 pm for the midterm elections. Postmarks don't count. Ballot drop boxes are here.

Tuesday, November 6 - Big Tent Election Night Watch Party. No-host, upstairs at Fort George,1483 Duane, Astoria; ramp entrance on 15th. Bring your laptop if you can. Sponsored by INCO, Clatsop Democrats, Lower Columbia Diversity Coalition, Lower  Columbia Hispanic Council, and the Oregon Progressive Party.

Wednesday, November 7 - A-Team/Advocacy Team kick-off meeting. 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room. Everyone welcome as INCO tackles crucial issues facing our country.

Saturday, November 10 - Astoria Community Group monthly meetingNEW MEETING TIME! 1 pm, Street 14 Cafe, 1410 Commercial, Astoria

Tuesday, November 13 - Seaside-Gearhart Community Group monthly meeting, 6:30 - 8 pm. For location and directions, contact

Saturday, November 17 - Warrenton Community Group meetingNEW MEETING TIME!11:30 a.m., Dooger's Seafood & Grill, Hwy 101, Warrenton

Wednesday, November 28 - INCO Book Club, 6:30 pm, in Astoria.  We’ll discuss  a novel,  A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini,  Penguin Books, 2013.  Among the reviews were the following:  "Just as good as, if not better than, Hosseini's best-selling first book, The Kite Runner."  Newsweek.  "Hosseinni has the story telling gift." Los Angeles Times. Contact for directions.

Wednesday, November 21 - INCO Vote the Future Team meeting6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room. All Indivisibles interested in voting and elections issues (including National Popular Vote, gerrymandering, voter suppression) are welcome.
INCO's New Advocacy Team Needs You
The A-Team assesses, recommends, and helps to implement actions in keeping with INCO's goals of opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption and promoting progressive values. We're ready to deal with crucial issues facing our country after the midterms.

The Advocacy Team is recruiting people passionate about advocating for progressive values. Initial topics include immigration, clean energy, and gun safety. What other issues need INCO's attention? Come to this meeting to advocate for issues you care about!

A-Team Kick-off Meeting
Wednesday, November 7 at 6:30 pm

Seaside Library Board Room
Everyone welcome!
“Neither charm nor patience nor endurance has ever wrested power from those who hold it.”
— Frederick Douglass
Big Tent Election Night Watch Party
Tuesday, November 6, starting at 6 pm
Upstairs at Fort George, with news on a large screen TV

1483 Duane, Astoria; accessible ramp on 15th
No-host food & drink. Bring your laptop. Oregon election results start at 8 pm.

Sponsored by Indivisible North Coast Oregon, Clatsop County Democrats, Lower Columbia Diversity Coalition, Lower Columbia Hispanic Council, and Oregon Progressive Party.

In this time when democracy and decency are under assault by the current administration and its allies, it’s essential we work together to defend democracy. We’re looking forward to an evening of hope, progress, and solidarity! Please join us.

Please forward this invitation to others who might want to attend.

"A new nation is struggling to be born, a multiracial, multiethnic, multi faith, egalitarian democracy in which every life and every voice truly matters .... In fact, the whole of American history can be described as a struggle between those who truly embraced the revolutionary idea of freedom, equality and justice for all and those who resisted."

-- Michelle Alexander, New York Times, 9-22-2018
A Movement of Millions 
Read this inspiring story of activists in Southern Oregon working for environmental and economic justice against immense corporate power and money!

Indivisible NC9 is featured in great 
TIME magazine story.

And from the Portland area:
Focus on the issues you care about most 

Tell Your Members of Congress to:
• Uphold the rule of law and protect our democracy. • Condemn the administration's authoritarian speech, actions, and policies. • Pressure your GOP colleagues to assert Congress' role as a co-equal branch of government, not as a servant of the President. • Protect Mueller, Rosenstein, and the Russia investigation that has already led to indictments and convictions of Trumpsters and Russians. • Restore trust in the judiciary, media, and in all the other civic institutions being purposely undermined by Trump and his administration • Defeat the administration's white supremacist actions and promotion of bigotry against people of color, naturalized citizens, foreign students, and non-Christians.

• Protect all Americans. • Stand with people who need help getting medical care and enough food to eat. • Stop the administration's attacks on America's allies and embrace of America's totalitarian enemies. • Demand effective government actions to deal with climate change. • Provide meaningful help for Puerto Rico's recovery from Hurricane Maria. • Oppose  nominees to be federal judges who fail to support equal rights for all people • Develop a humane and practical immigration policy. 
Check out the new Americans of Conscience website where you can sign up for the weekly Action Checklist. This week's checklist is here.    Contact elected officials here.
We're Ready! 
Here's INCO's plan if Trump crosses one of three red lines that threatens the rule of law as it relates to the investigation: fire Mueller, fire Rosenstein, or pardon key figures. 
  • If actions are triggered BEFORE 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ 5 p.m. local time.
  • If actions are triggered AFTER 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ noon local time the following day.
We'll take to the streets to Rally for the Rule of Law at 16th and Marine Drive in Astoria. Indivisibles across the nation will be gathering according to this schedule.  

We'll post info about a Rally for the Rule of Law on our INCO Facebook page and email an Action Alert. You can also sign up (RSVP) for a notification here.  
INCO has Community Groups in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside-Gearhart, Warrenton, Astoria-East County, and the Washington Peninsula. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to get active with INCO's Advocacy Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club. Contact Laurie at for more information.

Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Elections, voting, issues, and more at INCO's Vote the Future website: INCO's easy-to-type website is

Our newest website is Really Do Care INCO Under 40s
 Join INCO's closed Facebook group for more actions, information, and discussion.
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. Check spam if you can't find it.

INCO is supported entirely by donations. Please donate here or mail your check to INCO c/o PO Box 536, Warrenton, OR 97146

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   October 22, 2018