Trump’s disgraceful use of his office to pursue personal vendettas—an unprecedented abuse of power against political rivals that Congress must investigate—was on display in recent attacks against Elizabeth Warren and Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar and his response to the “Proud Boys” rally in Portland.
At an official visit to a Pennsylvania petrochemical plant, Trump revived his pejorative “Pocahontas” nickname for Elizabeth Warren—demeaning the office of the presidency and exposing Trump’s racism and white nationalism.
When Representatives Tlaib and Omar sought to visit Israel, Trump successfully pressured Netanyahu to block their visit, falsely claiming they hate Israel and are anti-Semitic—continuing his racist, sexist, Islamophobic vendetta against members of a co-equal branch of government, exporting partisan battles and demonstrating lengths to which he’ll go to target domestic opponents.
“Proud Boys,” an extremist group with ties to white nationalism, came to Portland looking for a fight. Instead of calling this hate group a terrorist organization, Trump threatened, to apply that label to the anti-fascist groups counter-protesting it.
We cannot allow this continued assault on our democracy. Unless its preservation is our highest priority, the republic’s already lost. Congress must pursue a serious, transparent impeachment inquiry now.