After their embarrassing failure on TrumpCare, Republicans really want a win. Their plan? To get an extreme, unpopular nominee confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court this Friday, before they have to answer to you over the upcoming recess. But there are a couple of flaws in this scheme: first, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is short on the votes he needs, and second, you’re going to use recess to hold them accountable, no matter what happens this week (just ask Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)).
Nuclear is not an option
Gorsuch’s extreme record has left him short of the 60 votes traditionally required to close debate and vote on a Supreme Court nominee. Instead of admitting defeat and requesting a more mainstream nominee, McConnell is now threatening to invoke the incredibly unpopular “nuclear option” and change 230 years of Senate precedent to eliminate the filibuster and ram Gorsuch through with fewer than 60 votes.
One fun way to grow the resistance—a victory dance with purpose
The defeat of TrumpCare was an amazing testament to the power of local indivisible action. And if we’re going to continue racking up wins against Trump, we need to bring more people into the Indivisible movement. So we’re asking you for a favor: celebrate this victory. But you’re not just celebrating for yourself, you’re also celebrating to advertise your power and grow the movement—and that means we need your celebration on video or it didn’t happen.
To spread the word, we’re gathering testimonials from Indivisible members on how and why they contributed to TrumpCare’s defeat. Here’s how you can add to this project:
Take a selfie video or get your local Indivisible group to prepare a video together. Yes, your iPhone will work just fine for this.
Prepare two simple pieces of information:
Your local Indivisible group name and location (city/state)
Why you stood Indivisible against TrumpCare
Look into the camera and keep it short—30 seconds or less is ideal.
Send your video to us at with the subject line “Indivisible Against TrumpCare” no later than next Sunday, April 9.
We’ll take what you send in, create a compilation, and spread it far and wide. This victory dance is fun and all, but it’s also serious work. It’s about convincing those outside the movement that they should join up. We’re building the movement together, and simple acts like this help make that possible.
...And in closing, here’s the part where we ask for money
A month ago, it was up in the air whether Democrats would even mount a filibuster to Gorsuch. There was talk of them cutting a deal to let Gorsuch through unopposed. But there’s no talk of that now—and it’s because Indivisible groups got busy on their home turf and told their Senators to just say NO.
This well-funded, hyper-conservative opposition is real and it’s scary, but it can’t compete with the amazing energy of the Indivisible movement. Here’s a cool statistic we just learned: in the last month alone, our tweets have had more than 40 million impressions. 40 million!
Regardless of whether you give money, please keep investing your time and energy into this movement—this is how we have won, and it’s the way we will win in the future.
In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team
P.S. We want to amplify your group’s voice! Keep sharing your pictures, videos, and stories with us at