Monday, April 24, 2017

From the Indivisible Team | Immigration Resources & May 1 Rise Up Day of Action

This Thursday, join Indivisible and the National Immigration Law Center on Facebook Live to talk about what you can do to support immigrant families. On Thursday, April 27 at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT, join Indivisible and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) for a Facebook Live event where we will discuss the upcoming May 1 Rise Up marches in support of immigrant families. Immigration experts will be on hand to answer your questions about Trump’s efforts to tear families apart, sanctuary cities, and how you can support immigrants. RSVP to get a reminder and other streaming options now. Submit all of your questions here or by sending an email to

May 1, Rise Up: The attacks against immigrants and refugees have been nonstop, from the Muslim ban to Trump’s mass deportation force. It’s time we rise up and show our support for the immigrants and refugees who are fighting back. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Fair Immigration Reform Movement for Rise Up, a nation-wide action for immigrants and allies to stand together and resist. Rise up with us by attending an event near you! Any attack on immigrants is an attack on all of us. Together we can shine a light on the path to freedom and end the cruelty against immigrants and refugees.
If you are interested in joining us to promote the Rise Up events across the country on May 1here’s a digital toolkit to get you started.

New Immigration Ally Toolkit: Check out our new Immigrant Ally Toolkit, developed in partnership with the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), Local Progress, National Immigration Law Center, Reform Immigration for America, and United We Dream, for more information on the May 1 day of action and how you can work in your communities to rise up, unite, and protect immigrant families.