Thursday, January 16, 2020

INCO Newsletter 1/13

Defending democracy takes passion, determination - and money! Everyone who donates to INCO at the summit can choose from an array of thank you gifts, including gift bags with t-shirts, American flags, and posters. Plus delicate Japanese-style paintings, custom fabric hangings, and a unique wood carving. Plus bags of Bebe's buttons.

Please give whatever you can. Help INCO buy more stamps for our postcards ($35/roll) and letters ($55/roll) to voters in 2020. Every stamp helps us reach one more voter. 
Summit lunch is a great time to chat, ponder, and nurture yourself. Time for lunch is limited, so bring your own lunch, or order a box lunch via INCO. Pick up your lunch at the summit.

Good To Go menu choices are:
•  Roasted veggie sandwich - red and yellow peppers, carrots, red onions, balsamic dressing
•  Roast turkey sandwich - with cranberry sauce and chevre
•  Roast beef sandwich - with carmelized onions and swiss cheese
•  Green garden salad
Lunch comes with Tim's potato chips. Sandwiches are made with French bread, unless you order GF bread. INCO will provide fruit, dessert, water, coffee, and tea.

Box lunches cannot be ordered at the summit. Email your lunch order to by 4 pm on Thursday, January 16. All lunches cost $11 each, payable at the summit with cash, debit card, or credit card. Put "Lunch" in the subject line, tell Steve what you're ordering, and include your first and last name.  Pick up your lunch at the summit.
Bring your signs and walk with us in INCO's MARCH TO WIN, on Saturday, January 18. We'll start at 3 pm at Heritage Square, 12th and Exchange for a peaceful walk of less than a mile through downtown Astoria.  Everyone is welcome! Scroll down for details.

We'll be chanting this at INCO's MARCH TO WIN:
Unity!  Democracy!  That’s our CHOICE.
Use your VOTE!  Use your VOICE!
We love the energy and smarts of young activists! Erica Goldman, the summit's featured speaker, will show us how we win this year, especially within the 2020 Super States. She is Swing Left's Regional Organizing Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest - Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, and Hawaii. Check out the map shown above.
We'd Love to See You at INCO's 3rd Regional Summit! 
Worried about democracy's future in 2020?  INCO is partnering with Vote Forward and Swing Left to turn 12 Super States blue and to stop GOP gerrymandering. Jump right in with our featured speaker,  Erica Goldman, the Pacific Northwest's coordinator for Swing Left.  

Want local progressive leadership? INCO is working to stop the GOP's and the right-wing's efforts to turn Oregon red, even at the county level. Run For Something looks at these threats to local governance and shows us how to win local primary elections in May.

* Searching for the best ways to make our country better?  INCO presents key issues facing voters, legislators, and future generations. Momentum and commitment guide the summit program.

* Need a breath of fresh air after the summit? Walk with us in INCO's March to Win in downtown Astoria. Gather at 3 pm at Heritage Square, 12th and Exchange, in Astoria. Bring your signs. Scroll down for more information.

Saturday, January 18 • Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria
Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Program promptly at 9 a.m.

Lunch time is limited. Bring lunch, or order a box lunch now to pick up at the summit.
Saturday, January 18  •  3 pm  •  Heritage Square, 12th & Exchange, Astoria
"We were made for these times." -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
SAFETY:  We will walk peacefully on the sidewalk for less than a mile in downtown Astoria. Obey traffic lights and stop signs. Use common sense and courtesy. Listen to INCO's volunteer safety monitors in neon vests.

BE PREPARED: Do not engage with hecklers. Ignore them. In the unlikely event of a physical threat, call 911. If press or others ask to interview you, it's OK to decline to speak. If you choose to talk, ask who is interviewing and how the material will be used.

PARKING & PETS: Unlimited free street parking is widely available up the hill from Exchange Street. Two- and three-hour parking is available in many downtown locations. Pets must be on a lease. Public bathrooms are 1/2-block east of 12th on Exchange.

PHOTOS: Please post your photos on the INCO Facebook page or email them to
On Tuesday, January 14, CNN and the Des Moines Register will co-host the seventh Democratic presidential debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The debate is at 6 pm Pacific Time for two hours.
The debate will air live on CNN, CNN en EspaƱol and CNN International. A free livestream of the event will be available online at and and on mobile devices via the Register's iOS and Android apps.
Friday, January 24
9 am - noon

Judge Guy Boyington Building, 857 Commercial, Astoria
Christine Shirley, with Oregon's Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD,) will lead a workshop on climate change and how it interacts with the County's Comprehensive Plan update.
We start this year where we ended the last.This Congress must hold Trump accountable. We must have a proper impeachment trial in the Senate. We must have answers for what is happening with Iran. This President must be held accountable.

Senator Ron Wyden - 202-224-5244
Senator Jeff Merkley -  202-224-3753
Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici - 202-225-0855 - Please thank her for voting to impeach on December 18.
Everyone is welcome to all these events.
Tuesday, January 14 - Seaside Gearhart Community Group monthly meeting, 6:30 - 8 pm. For location, contact

Tuesday, January 14 - Democratic presidential debate, 6 - 8 pm Pacific Time, at Drake University in Des Moines, hosted by CNN and the Des Moines Register.

Wednesday, January 15 - INCO on KMUN's Talk of Our Towns, 9:30 a.m., with Carmen Hammersmith and Kathleen Macdonald talking about INCO''s January 18 summit. Listen at 91.9 FM; 89.5 Cannon Beach; Tillamook, 89.5; Astoria South Slope, 91.3; Wheeler, 104.3;.

Saturday, January 18 - HOW WE WIN | 2020 INCO REGIONAL SUMMIT, 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria. Free. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Program starts promptly at 9 a.m.

Saturday, January 18 - 
INCO'S MARCH TO WIN, 3 pm. INCO's peaceful march through downtown Astoria begins at Heritage Square, 12th and Exchange, Astoria. Bring signs for this peaceful event.

NO January meetings for Warrenton and Astoria Community Groups.

Saturday, February 8 - Astoria Community Group monthly meeting, 10:30 am - noon; WineKraft, 10th & RiverWalk - enter Pier 11 building on 11th, WineKraft is just outside the west entrance. Guest speakers are Nelle Moffat and Rick Bowers, of Friends of the Unsheltered.

Saturday, February 8 - Warrenton Community Group monthly meeting, 11:30 - 1 pm, El Compadre Restaurant, 119 South Main Avenue, no purchase necessary.  

Tuesdays - Postcards to Voters Postcard Party - Astoria, 2-4, WineKraft, 10th and Riverwalk, Astoria. Because of bridge construction, enter the building from 11th, near Inferno Lounge. WineKraft is just outside the west entrance. Write postcards to voters for issues and candidates. INCO and Postcards to Voters provide supplies, addresses, and text.

Fridays - Postcards to Voters Postcard Party - Seaside. NO postcard party on January 17. 

•  To write Postcards to Voters: Text (484) 275-2229, email,
 or go to and fill out the web form under the Volunteer tab to become a verified postcarder.

•  To write personalized letters to voters with 1-2 sentences, sign up with Vote Forward.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of beauty is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, but indifference between life and death."
  - -Elie Wiesel
Your Members of Congress (MoC) and state legislators won't know what you want if you don't tell them. Contact info here. Contact ONLY elected officials who represent you so you don't dilute the power of actual constituents. Tell your MoC when you agree with their positions and votes.

Write a Letter to the Editor about an issue. Effective letters focus on one topic and often propose positive actions readers can take.

INCO is online at 3 websites: our main oneVote the Future; and Really Do Care INCO Under 40sJoin INCO's closed Facebook group. INCO Really Do Care also has a Facebook group. 
Sign up for emails from national Indivisible at
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter  January 13, 2019