HAPPENINGS Everyone is welcome to all these events.
THIS WEEKTuesday, January 14 - Seaside Gearhart Community Group monthly meeting, 6:30 - 8 pm. For location, contact kathleenannmacdonald@yahoo.com.Tuesday, January 14 - Democratic presidential debate, 6 - 8 pm Pacific Time, at Drake University in Des Moines, hosted by CNN and the Des Moines Register.Wednesday, January 15 - INCO on KMUN's Talk of Our Towns, 9:30 a.m., with Carmen Hammersmith and Kathleen Macdonald talking about INCO''s January 18 summit. Listen at 91.9 FM; 89.5 Cannon Beach; Tillamook, 89.5; Astoria South Slope, 91.3; Wheeler, 104.3;.Saturday, January 18 - HOW WE WIN | 2020 INCO REGIONAL SUMMIT, 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria. Free. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Program starts promptly at 9 a.m.
Saturday, January 18 - INCO'S MARCH TO WIN, 3 pm. INCO's peaceful march through downtown Astoria begins at Heritage Square, 12th and Exchange, Astoria. Bring signs for this peaceful event.NO January meetings for Warrenton and Astoria Community Groups.UPCOMINGSaturday, February 8 - Astoria Community Group monthly meeting, 10:30 am - noon; WineKraft, 10th & RiverWalk - enter Pier 11 building on 11th, WineKraft is just outside the west entrance. Guest speakers are Nelle Moffat and Rick Bowers, of Friends of the Unsheltered.
Saturday, February 8 - Warrenton Community Group monthly meeting, 11:30 - 1 pm, El Compadre Restaurant, 119 South Main Avenue, no purchase necessary. WEEKLYTuesdays - Postcards to Voters Postcard Party - Astoria, 2-4, WineKraft, 10th and Riverwalk, Astoria. Because of bridge construction, enter the building from 11th, near Inferno Lounge. WineKraft is just outside the west entrance. Write postcards to voters for issues and candidates. INCO and Postcards to Voters provide supplies, addresses, and text.Fridays - Postcards to Voters Postcard Party - Seaside. NO postcard party on January 17. WRITE VOTERS ON YOUR OWN • To write Postcards to Voters: Text (484) 275-2229, email join@TonyTheDemocrat.org, or go to PostcardsToVoters.org and fill out the web form under the Volunteer tab to become a verified postcarder.
• To write personalized letters to voters with 1-2 sentences, sign up with Vote Forward.