Monday, April 29, 2019

INCO Weekly Newsletter 4/29

Calls & Cards Party for Impeachment
Tuesday, April 30, 6 – 8 pm
At Deb's house near Sunset Beach; contact for directions.

With calls or postcards—your choice which you do—we’ll be urging members of the House Judiciary to take the first step toward impeachment of Trump on obstruction of justice and other lawless acts. If you want to make calls, bring a cell phone. A laptop or iPad with internet connectivity is also helpful but not essential. Calls go to impeachment-friendly constituents with representatives on the Judiciary; postcards directly to Judiciary. Optional: bring a snack or beverage to share.
Advocacy Postcarding: We Love Oregon
Wednesday, May 1, 6:30 – 8 pm
Seaside Library Board Room

Join us for postcarding to Sen. Betsy Johnson and Rep. Tiffiny Mitchell to raise your voice in support of important measures like Clean Energy Jobs, the Student Success Act, Small Donor Elections, the Safe Water Act, the Gun Safety Bill, and more. Information on pending legislation and postcarding materials provided. If there’s interest, we’ll adjourn to Seaside Brewing to celebrate our advocacy efforts.
INCO postcarding started a year ago! Keep the momentum going with this enjoyable way to reach voters and decision-makers.   
Ballots go out this week for Clatsop County voters to elect volunteers to serve on the boards of Special Districts, including local school districts; and local fire, water, health, and sanitary districts. Serving all of the county are the college, the Port of Astoria, and Sunset Empire Transportation District. These board members set budgets, policy, and hire key staff. This election is non-partisan. Learn more about the candidates at these forums:

Seaside School District Board Candidate Forum
Tuesday, April 30, at 7 pm
Broadway Middle School Library
1120 Broadway, Seaside

Hosted by Seaside AAUW and the Seaside Signal

Candidate Forum
Saturday, May 4
1 - 1:45 pm:  Clatsop Community College - Sara Meyer and Andrea Mazzarella
2:15 - 3 pm: Port of Astoria - Bill Hunsinger and Scott L McClaine

Candidates of other races are invited to be available for questions from the public during this time.
Bob Chisholm Community Center
1225 Avenue A, Seaside
Hosted by the Clatsop Democrats
The last day to register to vote in the May 21 election is April 30. Ballots are due by 8 pm on Tuesday, May 21. Postmarks don't count.  The Voter’s pamphlet is available at www.incoregon.or,click on “YOUR VOICE – YOUR VOTE” icon on the right. If your ballot hasn't arrived by May 8, contact the County Elections office at 503-325-8605.
•  Thanks to KMUN and its programmers who are reminding listeners about the May 21Special District election with brief announcements written by the INCO Astoria Democracy and Elections group. 
•  Cheryl Johnson and Bryan Kidder talk about the May 21 Special District election with "Perspectives" host Joan Herman. 
Tuesday, April 30
9 - 9:30 am
91.9 FM and 91.3 FM on the south slope
Let's create a vigorous and successful 2020 election at all levels. 
It's time to take the Indivisible 2020 pledge. The goal is a big grassroots showing, pledging on these three key points: make the primary constructive; get behind the winner; do the work to beat Trump. Indivisible will urge Presidential candidates to sign on, too.
Impeachment starts in the House with investigation and impeachment hearings; if the House votes to impeach, then the Senate is like the jury and can vote to remove the President from office, or not. Tell Congresswoman Bonamici what you want: 202-225-0855; email via

 Indivisible national has come out in support of Congress opening impeachment hearings. Congressional Democrats continue to investigate even as they work on other kitchen-table issues.

You can help by 
submitting a Letter to the Editor (LTE) to the Daily Astorian (250 words or less; no more than 2 letters per month by the same person). Click here for talking points to inspire your letter.
Double your money today and tomorrow, April 29 and 30! These are the final two days in which Indivisible national will double your contribution to INCO. You give $10, and Indivisible doubles it, so INCO gets $20!  Use  this link to help INCO continue our work for our democracy.
Thank you for your support!
Join Jesse Jones and INCO at the Astoria City Council meeting on May 6 to urge city councilors to support a ban on single-use plastic bags. We'll speak during public comment at the end of the meeting. Astoria can join the growing list of Oregon cities banning these bags, which in turn will convince state lawmakers to make uniform laws about a plastic bag ban. Major retailers prefer uniform codes about bags and are ready to back a statewide ban.

Astoria City Council Public Comment
Monday, May 6
Meeting begins at 7 p.m. 

Astoria City Hall, 1095 Duane Street, 2nd floor, City Council Chambers
Sign up to speak when you arrive. 

Please plan to attend in support of our efforts to ban single-use plastic bags in Astoria! Contact Jesse at with any questions. 
Left: State Senator Betsy Johnson, Scappoose - SD 16. Right: State Representative Tiffiny Mitchell, Astoria - HD 32.
The Oregon legislature is considering hundreds of bills that are likely to be voted on. Don't miss this opportunity to tell your legislators what you want them to do. 
• State Senator Betsy Johnson --
• State Representative Tiffiny Mitchell -- ‭(503) 986-1432‬

Pending legislation includes: 
PLASTIC BAG BAN:  Call Rep. Tiffiny Mitchell and urge her to vote YES on S.B. 90 to ban plastic straws.
Call Sen. Betsy Johnson and thank her for her Yes vote on S.B. 90 to ban plastic straws and urge her to vote YES on H.B. 2509, a ban on plastic carry out bags, and YES on H.B. 2883, a ban on polystyrene!

STUDENT SUCCESS ACT: This important education funding bill needs Betsy Johnson's support. Please call her to urge a YES vote.

DRIVER'S LICENSES FOR ALL:  Representative Brad Witt needs to hear from his constituents (Columbia County) to vote HB 2015 out of committee. Urge Senator Betsy Johnson to convince him her constituents support this bill, too.

CLEAN ENERGY JOBS BILL (CEJ) and other climate bills  
 Here's a great site to keep up with Oregon's legislation, showing bills, sponsors, financial impact, etc. Simpler descriptions are here at One Small Thing PDX. Check out OPB's look atproposed legislation this session.
Tell your Members of Congress: Trump Is Not Above the Law
Trump ignores the law of the land and the will of the people. On the one hand, he commits impeachable offenses while he and his GOP work to take away our healthcare. Just look at Trump bragging at the NRA convention that he is coming for the rest of our healthcare, and Chuck Grassley's town hall ignoring the healthcare pleas of his constituent.  Right now we need Congress to protect our healthcare and to hold Trump accountable for his impeachable offenses.  In all upcoming elections everyone needs to be a healthcare voter.
Senator Merkley's DC office: 202-224-3753. Senator Wyden's DC office: 202-224-5244
Congresswoman Bonamici's DC office: 202-225-0855
Join other Oregon Indivisibles and call your MoCs on Tuesday. Contact info is here.
After you call, 
• WRITE a Letter to the Editor. The Daily Astorian - or through their website - publishes up to 250 words. No name-calling. Include your contact information.
Details on our events page.
Everyone is welcome to all these events.

Tuesday, April 30 - INCO on "Perspectives" radio program, 9 am, KMUN. Cheryl Johnson and Bryan Kidder talk about the May 21 Special District election with host Joan Herman.

Tuesday, April 30 - Last day for new voters to register to vote in the May 21 Special Districts election. Clatsop County Elections, 820 Exchange, 2nd floor, Astoria. More info here.

Tuesday, April 30 - Calls & Cards Party for Impeachment, 6-8 pm, Deb's home near Sunset Beach; contact for directions.  Calls go to impeachment-friendly constituents with representatives on the Judiciary; postcards directly to Judiciary. Optional: bring a snack or beverage to share. 

Tuesday, April 30 - Seaside School Board Candidates Forum7 pm, Broadway Middle School Library; hosted by Seaside AAUW and the Seaside Signal.

Wednesday, May 1 - Advocacy Team monthly meeting6:30 - 8 pm, Seaside Library Board Room. We'll write postcards to Senator Johnson and Representative Mitchell to support key Oregon legislation.

Thursday, May 2 - INCO Table at Ales & Ideas, 7 pm, Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria. Doors open at 6 pm. Food and drink available for purchase. INCO t-shirts, ON TYRANNY, and In Our America yard signs available for purchase. Discover how marine archeologists investigate shipwrecks.

Saturday, May 4 - Astoria Community Group monthly meeting, time changed to 10:30 a.m. - noon, WineKraft, on the Riverwalk at the foot of 10th. It’s OK to bring your own food and drink. Talk with candidates for the Astoria School Board.

Saturday, May 4 - Warrenton Community Group meeting11:30, Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Highway 101, Warrenton. Our first Adopt-a-Road pickup of Harbor Drive following the meeting, if we have at least 8 participants.

Saturday, May 4 - Candidate Forum for Clatsop Community College and Port of Astoria, 1 pmBob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, SeasideCandidates of other races are invited to be available for questions from the public during this time.  Hosted by the Clatsop Democrats.

Monday, May 6 - INCO at Astoria City Council7 pm, 1095 Duane, 2nd floor, City Council Chambers. Public comment to support single-use plastic bag ban.

Tuesday, May 14 - Seaside-Gearhart Community Group monthly meeting6:30 - 8 pm; email for location.

Wednesday, May 15- Vote the Future (VTF) monthly meeting,  6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room

Tuesday, May 21 - Ballots due by 8 pm for the Clatsop County Special Districts election. Postmarks don't count.
•  TRUTH IN OUR TIMES is a new book that honors the American free press and describes the battles with Trump and others who want to undermine independent journalism and other democratic essentials. Check out this fascinating YouTube with the author, David McCraw, an attorney at the New York Times. 

•  Here's a 
great site to keep up with Oregon's legislation, showing bills, sponsors, financial impact, etc. Simpler descriptions are here.

•  Take your county Voter Information booklet with you
 online. You can also find it posted at; click on "Your Voice Your Vote" on the right.

•  An invaluable resource is a county resource directory from Clatsop Community Action   It's an attractive booklet that measures about 4x5 inches. A copy is available electronically at or 
"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free."
— Clarence Darrow
  How will your Members of Congress know what you want if you don't tell them?

•  Contact ONLY elected officials who represent you so you don't dilute the power of actual constituents.
•  It's more effective to contact your MoC about one issue at a time. 
•  Be sure to tell your MoC when you agree with their positions and votes.

Contact YOUR elected officials here.  For current action items, visit and
Get active with INCO's Advocacy Team, Vote the Future Team, and Community Groups. 

INCO has 3 websites: our 
main oneVote the Future; and Really Do Care INCO Under 40s
 Join INCO's closed Facebook group. Really Do Care also has a Facebook group. 
Sign up for emails from national Indivisible at
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   April 29, 2019
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