Saturday, April 27, 2019

HB 2015, Driver's Licenses For All at a Critical Moment

HB 2015, the Driver's Licenses for All bill, has reached a critical moment and we need your immediate action. The bill is currently in the Joint Transportation Committee, where it needs to be voted out by a majority of the committee members in order to move to the next step. 
Representative Brad Witt is on the committee, he is the final vote needed to pass the bill through the committee. However, he has been hearing more from the opposition than from supporters. He expressed that in order to vote HB 2015 out of committee, he needs to hear that his constituents support the bill. Senator Johnson also needs to hear from her constituents, she is a key influencer of Rep. Witt, so she also needs to know her constituents are in support too!
This is where you can make a big difference for immigrant rights. Here are two things we need you to do now and until May 3rd.
1. Contact Rep. Witt's office and Senator Johnson's office via email or phone call. Their contact information is below. Just tell them your name, that you live in the district, and that you'd like Representative Witt or Senator Johnson to vote Yes on HB 2015. 
Rep. Witt's office: 503-986-1431,
Senator Johnson's office: 503-986-1716,