The Washington Post featured this photo of INCO activists at Tuesday's rally on the steps of the Oregon capitol: Eric (in white t-shirt), Laura (behind the "Stop Senate" sign, Cheryl(making friends with the llama), and Russ (with the "Show Up" sign). The GOP betrayal of responsible governance in the Oregon Senate made national news, including in the New Yorker, with history and details about the Clean Energy Bill. Republican senators fled the state, denying a quorum, because they oppose the bill. The Senate Democratic leaders caved, killed the bill, and - surprise, surprise - now the GOP wants to kill the Student Success Act.
When was the last time you called State Senator Betsy Johnson (SD 16) to let her know what you think about her voting NO on the National Popular Vote, or on her opposing the state taking action on climate change, or on her not publicly calling out the egregious dereliction of duty by her Republican colleagues in the Senate?
On her website, she says she wants to be accessible, but when was the last time she held a town hall in Clatsop County? On the radio recently, she even complained about constituents calling too much.
As one of our INCO leaders points out, "I always think of Betsy’s crass dismissal of her constituents and her lashing out as her super power. And the more she gets rewarded — she’s left alone to do what she wants — the more she’ll do it."
STOP CHILD ABUSE BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT Take on the real emergency: Trump's racist immigration agenda. Thanks to Senator Ron Wyden's office for this list and links.
You can support the network of advocacy organizations working to protect and provide critical resources to immigrant families at the U.S. border.
Al Otro Lado works with deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana & Los Angeles
The Florence Project provides legal defense and social services to detained immigrants in Arizona
Kids In Need of Defense (KIND) represents unaccompanied immigrant and refugee children in their deportation proceedings.
Womens Refugee Commission improves the lives and protects the rights of women, children and youth displaced by conflict and crisis.
The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights promotes the best interests of unaccompanied immigrant children.
Texas Civil Rights Project provides pro bono and low-cost legal services around voting rights and racial justice throughout Texas.
ACLU Foundationprovides public education and litigation services to protect immigrant and civil rights.
INCO continues to rally for humane immigration policy. This was our rally in July, 2018.
Trees sequester carbon and can be a fabulous resource for dealing with the climate crisis. INCO activists are starting a Climate Crisis and Forestry group to work with INCO's Advocacy Team. If you're interested in participating, please contact Deb at
GOP LEGISLATORS DISRUPT OREGON GOVERNMENT What Oregon issues do you care about? Tell Betsy and Tiffiny today.
Oregon's Republican Senators assaulted democracy and insulted Oregonians by fleeing the state rather than vote on pending bills, including important climate legislation. Unfortunately, Governor Brown and the Democratic Senate leadership agreed to kill the Clean Energy Jobs bill so as to get the Republican senators back to work. The GOP walkout, their threats of violence, and their ties to corporate donors and armed militias made national news.
State Representative Tiffiny Mitchell's latest newsletter summarizes what's been passed and what's still pending in the legislature. The legislative session ended June 30 at midnight. Below are updates from the last two days this weekend. Details about more final legislative action will be in next week's newsletter.
• HB 2020 - The Clean Energy Jobs bill; it was killed by Democratic Senate President Peter Courtney in response to the GOP's walkout.
• HB 2015 -- The Drivers Licenses for All Act passed the the state House and Senate and now goes to Governor Brown for her signature. This allows all potential drivers to apply for a driver's license, regardless of citizenship status. Senator Betsy Johnson voted NO.
• SB 861 - Paid postage for ballots passed the Senate and House and goes to the governor for her signature. Senator Betsy Johnson voted NO. This measure was designed to improve voter turnout, especially among younger voters and poorer voters who don't usually buy stamps.
SJR 18 to amend OR constitution to allow limits on campaign contributions etc Saturday was approved by the Oregon Senate 25-5. Senator Johnson voted YES. Thanks for all who called her. It also passed the House.
SB 770 Health Care for All Oregon- to establish study committee to create single payer health care system in Oregon. Passed both House and Senate and goes to the governor.
Send a postcard to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging Trump's impeachment. She needs to hear from voters around the country that he is not above the law. Write her at
INDIVISIBLE OREGON'S TUESDAY CALL OF THE WEEK Tell your Members of Congress: Close the Camps
The camps run by the Trump administration are part of efforts to terrorize immigrants and criminalize immigration. The conditions at Trump's camps are illegal and add to the impeachable offenses Trump has committed. We demand the Trump administration #CloseTheCamps and that Congress start an impeachment inquiry into the conditions at these camps.
• Find out more about the Democratic Presidential candidates by using INCO's links to the candidates' websites.Check out this NY Times piece - video interviews and transcripts with 21 candidates, all asked the same questions. it's a good introduction to them and to 2020 election campaigns. Joe Biden declined to participate.
• A fascinating political and polling website was suggested to us by an Indivisible group in Orange County. Valuable information and suggestions for how to talk about healthcare, climate change, the economy, reproductive rights, and political activism.
HAPPENINGS Details on our events page. Everyone is welcome to all these events.
THIS WEEK Check out Democratic candidates for President on televised events Wednesday and Thursday. lIt's time to call your Members of Congress about the issues you care about!
UPCOMING No meetings in July for the Advocacy Team, Vote the Future Team, and INCO's Warrenton and Astoria Community Groups.
Saturday, August 3 - Astoria Community Group monthly meeting, 10:30 a.m. - noon,WineKraft, on the Riverwalk at the foot of 10th. It’s OK to bring your own food and drink.
Saturday, August 10 - Warrenton Community Group meeting, 11:30 a.m., El Compadre Restaurant, 119 South Main, across the street from the Warrenton post office
"Don't ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility. Make decisions based on what should happen, not what shouldn't." -- Michelle Obama -Campaigning in Phoenix in 2011
ACTIONPRIORITIES How will your Members of Congress know what you want if you don't tell them?
• Contact ONLY elected officials who represent you so you don't dilute the power of actual constituents. • It's more effective to contact your MoC about one issue at a time. • Be sure to tell your MoC when you agree with their positions and votes.