Hi friend,
Have you gotten your ballot yet for Oregon's January 23rd Special Election yet? If so, you'll note there's only one super important thing to vote on: Measure 101.
Here are some important things to know about Measure 101:
- A YES on Measure 101 protects Medicaid coverage for one in four Oregonians, including 400,000 kids, and holds down healthcare costs for all of us. You can read the Secretary of State's Official Voters Pamphlet here.
- Measure 101 is paid for by hospitals, insurance companies, and coordinated care organizations, who have agreed to pay a small assessment to make basic healthcare affordable and accessible for every Oregonian. The federal government matches what we raise here in Oregon, bringing billions of dollars of healthcare funding to help us continue funding Medicaid at its current level. Learn more about how it works here.
- Measure 101 stabilizes premiums and reduces healthcare costs for Oregonians who buy their own insurance, saving people an average of $300/year. Learn more here.
- Without Measure 101, hundreds of thousands of low-income Oregonians – including kids, families, seniors, veterans and people with disabilities – could lose their healthcare coverage and Oregon would lose up to $5 billion in federal funds that are critical for funding Medicaid.
- A YES vote is supported by our state’s leaders on education and children’s health, as well as 160+ organizations who care about the well-being of Oregonians. See the full list here.
- Newspapers across the state, from Medford to Astoria, and everywhere in-between, have urged Oregonians to vote YES on Measure 101. See what they’re saying here.
- Ballots are due by January 23 at 8:00PM. They must be received by that date, not just postmarked. You can find ballot drop sites near you here.
I'm so excited to be voting YES to protect healthcare for my friends and neighbors. I hope you'll join me.