Monday, January 29, 2018


Senator Ron Wyden - Clatsop County Town Hall
Saturday, February 3 at 11:30 am

Astoria High School, 1001 West Marine Drive (east off the Astoria roundabout)
Bring questions and concerns
This week's Americans of Conscience Action Checklist is here.        

Contact elected officials here.

  Tell Your Members of Congress to stand up for our country and protect the Mueller investigation. 

•  Demand a humane immigration policy:  Despite widespread national and Congressional bipartisan support for the Dreamers, some GOP members of Congress and the President are using immigrants to score political points. They need to develop a reasonable immigration policy, including a path to citizenship for DACA recipients. 

•  Demand full long-term funding:
for the Children's Health Insurance Program, aid to post-hurricane Puerto Rico (an unincorporated territory of the US), Secure Elections Act (S.2261), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, DREAMers, National Parks, the NIH, Medicaid, and Medicare.

"We still do not know what the budget caps are for defense and non-defense programs.  The majority party wants to massively increase defense spending while simultaneously reducing funding for housing, education, research, health care, and so on."
- - Representative Michael Capuano, MA

They won't know what you want if you don't tell them.
TODAY, January 29, is the LAST DAY to order your INCO blue t-shirt and hoodie. Order here.
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
Saturday, February 3 - Senator Ron Wyden - Clatsop County Town Hall; 11:30 am, Astoria High School, 1001 West Marine Drive, Astoria; east off the roundabout.

Saturday, February 3 - 
 Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, CANCELED. PLEASE ATTEND THE WYDEN TOWN HALL. Next meeting is Saturday, February 17.

Every Wednesday, INCO Happy Hour, 4-6 pm, Buoy Beer, probably in the Tap Room, foot of 8th on the Riverwalk, Astoria. Food and non-alcoholic drinks available; no host, no agenda, no meeting

Almost every Friday - INCO Southwest Washington postcard party; email for date, time and place.

Tuesday, February 6 - Oppose Bigotry Team meeting, 6 pm, Astoria; contact for directions.

Wednesday, February 7 - INCO Book Club,  6:30 pm, Astoria. For directions, contact This month's book is American Nations: A History Of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures Of North America, by Colin Woodard, Penguin Books, 2012.

Tuesday, February 13 - Seaside/Gearhart Community Group meeting6:30-8:00.  Contact for location.

Tuesday, February 13 - Astoria Community Group monthly meeting6 pm. Location to be announced.

Wednesday, February 14 - V-DAY RALLY, End Violence Against Women and Girls, 11:30 am -1 pm, 8th and Commercial, Astoria.

Saturday, February 17 - Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, 11 a.m., Dooger's Restaurant, Highway 101.
 Read these inspiring accounts of people showing up to do the hard work of democracy. Americans are stepping up into activism, doing meaningful, sustained work that makes a difference.These photos are from  2018 Women's Marches.
Monday, February 12 - All day in Salem

Democracy live and in person!

 Meet with legislators in Salem to make the case for the Clean Energy Jobs bill, which is three years along in development. Lobby Day brings hundreds of people to the capitol - a great way to meet other progressives and lobby for your issues.  Details about gathering in Salem are here.

INCO Indivisible Eric Halperin is offering rides to anyone going. 
Call or text 503-812-2200 or email  If people register online, it appears the main organizers are also trying to facilitate carpooling.  
INCO's V-Day Rally to End Violence Against Women and Children
Wednesday, February 14  •  11:30 am - 1 pm

8th and Commercial, outside the Astoria Post Office
Bring signs 
Thanks to Cheryl Johnson and Mary Beth Cottle for their dynamic introduction at the summit to running and campaigning in local elections! If you're considering running for office, INCO's Vote the Future team has helpful information for you and your campaigners. Contact for details.  The Clatsop County Elections Office has valuable information here. 
I want to send a shout out and big thank you to our Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Team for Measure 101. We covered a lot of ground and made a lot of calls. And it passed!

Thanks to Sharon, Laura, Debby, Kay, Tiffiny, Eric, and Ellen for spending time knocking on doors.  Here in Seaside my best estimate is that we knocked on 450 - 500 doors.  Thanks to Cathey and Joyce for helping with the “Sorry I missed you.....” personalized messaging on the flyers.

 Thanks to Laura, Debby, Kay, Ken, Tiffiny, Ellen, Carmen and Eric for spending Sunday afternoon calling voters countywide. We had an amazing afternoon.  We made 457 calls, had 103 committed YES votes, and got 46% of the turf list called in just a couple of hours.  Thanks to Andy for keeping us supplied with turf lists and answering my many questions.

Measure 101 was INCO Seaside/Gearhart Community Group’s  first effort to organize a GOTV effort.  We learned a lot, didn’t we?

-- From Bebe Michel, co-chair of INCO's Measure 101 Campaign
Last night, Oregonians voted resoundingly to protect Medicaid expansion across the state! 
More than a dozen Indivisible groups from across the state joined the YES For Healthcare coalition comprised of local labor unions and allied advocacy organizations to fight for Medicaid. 
YES won by knocking on doors, placing phone calls, and talking to our friends and family about why Medicaid matters. Indivisibles participated in 150+ phone- and text-banking shifts, 300+ canvassing shifts, and knocked on over 12 THOUSAND doors to help get out the vote!
With midterm elections fast approaching this November, it's important to keep up the momentum, build networks across the state, and help elect progressive candidates up and down the ballot!
--From Melissa Shohet, National Indivisible Guide
•  Even the BBC knows about ICE. This BBC video vividly shows the impact of ICE detentions on the people of Pacific County, Washington.

•  "By the way, let’s not forget that the gymnastics story became public only because of stellar investigative reporting by The Indianapolis Star, coupled with the courage of the women and girls who stepped forward. Local newspapers like the Star are a pillar of democracy, and I do hope you’ll support yours."
--Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
Top left: Jack Harris salutes the organizers of the 2017 Astoria Women's March: Sharon Kloepfer, Kit Ketchum, Joyce Hunt, Nancy Holmes, Jeanne Braun Henderson, Margaret Frimoth, and Deb Vanasse. Absent: Laurie Caplan and Pat Wollner.
Top right: Indivisibles use the INCO 'mailbox' for postcards to Members of Congress.
Bottom right: Bebe Michel (Seaside/Gearhart), Tiffiny Mitchell (Astoria), Mary Beth Cottle and Tracy Abel (Cannon Beach/Manzanita) encourage attendees to get active with their Community Group.
Bottom left: Bebe Michel and Eric Halperin listen to election news at INCO's Vote the Future information table.
 I find three simple commandments I can’t bring myself to dismiss. 
The first, and most obvious, is this: Treat every poisoned word as a promise….  Take the haters at their word, and assume the worst is imminent.

You should treat people like adults, which means respecting them enough to demand that they understand the consequences of their actions. Explaining away or excusing the actions of others isn’t your job. ….remember that what matters now isn’t analysis: It’s survival.

Which leads me to the third principle, the one hardest to grasp: Refuse to accept what’s going on as the new normal. Not now, not ever…..This isn’t a political contest—it’s a moral crisis…..The only thing that matters now is the simple moral truth: This isn’t right.

—Liel Leibovitz,
We're Ready! Trump and Mueller
INCO has planned a “Rally for the Rule of Law,” to be held in the event Trump fires Mueller or takes a similar action that threatens the rule of law as it relates to the investigation. We'll post info on our INCO Facebook page and email an Action Alert. You can also sign up (RSVP) for a notification here.  


 Get involved with your INCO Community Group today in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside, Warrenton, Astoria, Washington Peninsula.

INCO's Events Team, Oppose Bigotry Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club are INCO-wide. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to participate. For more information, contact
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.

INCO is supported entirely by your donations. Donate here.

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   January 29, 2018
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