Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Dear Indivisibles,
Some days it does seem a long haul. This past week I had a bout of despair about making change happen. Then I read about the good work happening all over this country and by our members on the Oregon Coast and others across the country. I read about the generations of struggle for civil rights (and continuing that work) - My antidote is to realize I am not alone (a good reason to get active with Indivisible) and to not expect instant results and to take a break and let others do the work for a week or so. I donate to organizations doing the work on the front lines. For me that means ACLUImmigrant JusticeEmily's ListEpiscopal Relief and Development Find your favorite, check their Charity Navigator rating to be sure you get the best value --  $5.00 can make a difference.

So back into the fray. Keep calling and writing. Take one action each day or week. Make it a habit. Get together and encourage each other. Keep up the good work. Well begun!

Ann Fontaine, Cannon Beach

PS -  Get active with Cannon Beach and Warrenton Community Groups as they continue their good work at meetings this week. See below for details. 
When people don't know about the candidates and ballot measures in an election, fewer people vote. INCO's Vote the Future Team wants the Clatsop County Commissioners to resume publishing a voter's pamphlet in off-year elections, like the one in May, 2017. Attend this week's Commission meeting to speak or support others during the public comment time. We will ask for this issue to be on an upcoming meeting agenda.
Clatsop County Commissioners Meeting
Wednesday, October 25, at 5:45 PM
(meeting starts 6:00 PM - we are meeting early to organize)

Judge Guy Boyington Building, 857 Commercial Street, Astoria
Contact your Members of Congress now.
How will they know what you want if you don't tell them? 
1. Stop the #TrumpTaxScam. GOP senators just voted for a budget that calls for cutting $1 trillion from Medicaid and $470 billion from Medicare. They want to use these cuts to pay for massive tax giveaways to their billionaire donors and giant corporations. Calling scripts and more info here

2. Work with Congressional Republicans questioning Trump's reckless attacks on foreign allies and global institutions.  This administration's bullying nationalism and isolationism endangers America. Read more here about Trump's threats to US security and safety.

3.  Stabilize ObamaCare, reauthorize CHIP, and improve the Alexander-Murray bipartisan healthcare dealThe last proposal isn't perfect, but it's far better than Trump's unchecked sabotage of the ACA and open enrollment. CHIP is a federal-state partnership that ensures nearly 9 million children have health insurance. Oregon's funds expire by December, Washington's by March.

4. Pass a clean #DreamActNow. This administration's racist nationalism is not acceptable or realistic. Read more here
NOW AVAILABLE for ordering: Indivisible North Coast Oregon t-shirts! Short-sleeved, long-sleeved, v-neck options in two colors. Orders must be submitted with payment (all can be done online). You can also order and pay off-line. Orders and payment due by November 7.
Order form and payment info is here and on our blog. Questions? incoregon@gmail.com
Tell your Senators to stop these anti-science nominations to key science-related federal jobs. Thanks to the Berkeley Indivisible Science and Environment Team fotracking Trump's choices. See updates from March for Science here.
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How are Oregonians dealing with harassment, threats, and discrimination? Activism at a local level makes a big difference. The Rural Organizing Project (ROP) posted this 
updateabout events in southern Oregon. ROP presented INCO's Immigration 101 program last month.
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Sign up for updates from national Indivisible, usually 1-2/week. Solid information, action alerts, resources, and inspiration.
INCO's Faces of Democracy
Rainy Rally Reminiscence
Check for details and new posts on our events page.

Wednesday, October 25 - Cannon Beach Indivisible, 6 PM, Tolovana Hall. Our special speaker will be Julie Bosworth from Moms Demand Action, a national group formed to work to prevent gun violence and monitor national and regional proposed gun legislation.  The meeting will also include planning for the "Get Out the Vote, 2018" and a Fall and Winter to-do list.  See you there & bring a friend!

Saturday, October 28 - Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, 11 a.m., Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Hwy 101, Warrenton.
 More info about doing Adopt-A-Road for visibility for group.  Letters to Sen. Johnson and Rep. Boone re: rescission of prior call for a Constitutional Convention.  Follow-up letter(s) and postcards at this meeting.

Tuesday, November 7 - INCO Oppose Bigotry Team meeting, 6 - 7:30 pm, Joan Herman's home in Astoria. All are invited to help us plan what proactive activities we want to organize and support. For directions, email Joan at catladyjoan@gmail.com.

Wednesday, November 8 - INCO Reading Group, 6:30 pm, Carolyn Eady's home in Astoria.  This month's book is "This Flight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class," by Senator Elizabeth Warren. For directions, email Carolyn at cebeady@outlook.com.

Thursday, November 9 - Resistance School: Public Narrative, 6-8 pm, Seaside Library Community Room. How do we talk about our resistance? inspiring video followed by in-person informal discussion.

Saturday, November 11 - Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, 11 a.m., Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Hwy 101, Warrenton.

Tuesday, November 14 - Astoria INCO Community Group Meeting, 6 pm, Winekraft, foot of 11th on the Riverwalk, Astoria

Wednesday, November 15 - INCO Vote the Future Team, 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room.
Joan hosts a great interview program on KMUN, keeps up INCO's Events listings, takes care of cats, and lots more!  Read more here.
Who are INCO's leaders-inspirers-motivators-organizers?  Find out here.
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did
nothing because he could only do a little."
- - Edmund Burke  
"One Nation After Trump" is a new book on this YouTube of the authors - EJ Dionne, Norman Ornstein, and Thomas E. Mann -  talking about threats to our democracy and what we can do. Important words: kakocracy, normless, and Indivisible.
Send your suggestions for books to feature here to incoregon@gmail.com.


Check out each monthly issue of hipfish - - INCO is featured prominently. Thank you, hipfish!

Here are the winners of the Trump Poetry Contest sponsored by Nicholas Kristof and the NYTimes.

Get involved with your INCO Community Group today in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside, Warrenton, Astoria, Washington Peninsula.

Scroll down on our blog to see a variety of resources. Many are helpful for other community groups you work with.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at incoregon@gmail.com
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.

INCO is supported entirely by your donations! Donate here.
INCO Weekly Newsletter   October 23, 2017