Monday, October 2, 2017

INCO Weekly Newsletter 10/2

Stay focused. Trump and the GOP want you to ignore their policies, including these:

TAX SCAM: The GOP plan calls for more tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, including Trump himself. Not much help for anyone else.  Indivisible's report is here. The Tax Policy Center analysis is here. Read more here. A new report shows the top 10% own 77% of American wealth. Read more here.

STIFLE DISSENT:  Trump and the GOP want us to shut up. The Justice Department wants Facebook to divulge information that could  provide access to the personal details of thousands of activists who expressed interest in anti-Trump rallies. Read more here.

PERSONAL ENRICHMENT.  Corruption. Kleptocracy. Now the Office of Government Ethics says funds benefiting aides caught up in Russia probes may accept anonymous gifts from lobbyists. Read more here.

National Indivisible urges us to contact our Members of Congress about these other pressing issues:
  • Tell your senators to leave the Arbitration Rule in place and not let the GOP undo a regulation allowing the public to hold big banks accountable.
  • Federal aid for Puerto Rico, a US territory whose residents are American citizens
  • Foreign policy: blustery threats of war with North Korea (and the NFL); immigrant-bashing; a new (Muslim) travel ban; slashing numbers of allowed refugees
  • White supremacist agenda: see the previous two bullet points 
Contact your Members of Congress now. How will they know what you want if you don't tell them? 
INCO's Faces of Democracy
Mary Beth, Ken, Meridee, Kathi, Deb, and Kate registered voters at Voter Information Day tables in Cannon Beach and at Clatsop Community College. Thanks to INCO's Vote the Future team for these important community events.
Proposed cuts to Medicaid funding would hurt rural hospitals. Indivisibles from Washington INCO rallied at Astoria's Columbia Memorial Hospital on September 26.
Check for details and new posts on our events page.

Tuesday, October 3 - INCO Oppose Bigotry Team Meeting, 6 pm, member's home in Astoria. Contact for location and more info.

NEW DATE & LOCATION: Thursday October 10 - Astoria INCO Monthly meeting, 6 pm - set up & social, 6:30-8 - meeting; Winekraft, 80 10th Street, by the Riverwalk.

Thursday, October 12 - Resistance School - Sustaining the Resistance and Sharing Stories; 6 -8 pm; Seaside Library Community Room

Tuesday, October 17Town Hall - US Representative Suzanne Bonamici, 6:00pm,
Cannon Beach Chamber of Commerce, Community Hall, 207 N Spruce Street

Wednesday, October 18 - INCO Vote the Future Team meeting, Wednesday,  6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room

Wednesday, October 25 - Cannon Beach Indivisible, 6 PM, Tolovana Hall. Our special speaker will be Julie Bosworth from Moms Demand Action, a national group formed to work to prevent gun violence and monitor national and regional proposed gun legislation.  The meeting will also include planning for the "Get Out the Vote, 2018" and a Fall and Winter to-do list.  See you there & bring a friend! 
INCO has so many enthusiastic Kathleens that one of them decided to be Kat.  Read more here.
"Vote, write, speak, work, march, fight, struggle -- whatever it takes to secure the blessings of liberty."
-- Molly Ivins


Enter the Trump poetry contest sponsored by Nicholas Kristof, NY Times columnist. Rules and details here. Deadline is Octobe8Please send INCO a copy of your poem. Let us know if you win!

Grassroots activism helped kill TrumpCare. Get involved with your INCO Community Group today in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside, Warrenton, Astoria, Washington Peninsula.

The '5 calls' app is a convenient way to make your calls. The app provides phone numbers and scripts so calling is quick and easy. Sign up here.  
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.

INCO is supported entirely by your donations! Donate here.
INCO Weekly Newsletter   October 2, 2017