Tell us a little about yourself
and the ways you’re active with Indivisible North Coast Oregon (INCO).
A little over four years ago, I
moved here to my grey ocean from Ashland, Oregon—a move that took me from south
to north and from the mountains to the ocean. I currently live in Hammond,
about a block and a half from the tidal Columbia River, along a bike path. It’s
been active with INCO from the start, going regularly to INCO meetings in
Warrenton. I’ve also taken part in demonstrations in front of the Astoria Post
Office. I’ve called my members of Congress on important issues and written “letters
to the editor” that were published in The
Daily Astorian. I also marched with other INCO members in both Warrenton’s Fourth
of July Parade and Astoria’s Regatta Parade in August. In addition, I do my
best to get to most of Warrenton City Commission meetings. As I have a
demanding day job, I’m unable to do as much as I’d like.
What prompted you to get
When Trump got elected, I was
devastated. Then I heard about the Women’s March. It was the day before my 60th
birthday. I was excited to have an outlet for my pain and people to share it
with. It was thrilling to see the wonderful turnout. We marched, standing
together and setting records along the way. Around this time, I got word of the
first INCO meeting, which I attended. I’ve been attending them ever since.
What’s a highlight of your involvement so far?
I’m happy to have like-minded people to talk with
and enjoy meeting the people at meetings and events. It is nice to share space
with so many talented and interesting people.
That’s your vision for a
better future?
- I want my son to live in a world where he is not expected to “defend” his female partners because they‘re not seen as his equals.
- I want my son’s last name to be neutral rather than a liability.
- I want to be able to stop fighting old white men. In my youth they refused jobs to my mother and me because we were women; now, they want to stuff me back in that same old box. I thought I was done with all that, but they are back in my face again.
- I want to grow native flowers and teach children to read.
- I want those same children to be able to follow their dreams.
What’s one book, quote, or
action that you recommend to everyone who’ll listen?
In light of the current political climate, the bumper
sticker on my refrigerator seems to just about sum it up. It quotes Barack
Obama and reads, “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do
something.” Sometimes, I feel like giving up the fight and crawling off into a
corner of my garden forever, Instead, I get up and do something: write a
letter, make a call, send an email, check the news, research a Supreme Court
decision-- anything to just keep moving forward. Hope is a choice; kindness is
a choice. I choose hope, and I choose kindness. I hope you will too.