Wednesday, September 20, INCO Vote the Future Team Monthly Meeting, 6:30 - 7:55 pm, Seaside Library Board Room
Thursday, September 21, Upper North Coast INCO Meeting (Cannon Beach-Manzanita), 6 pm, Tolovana Hall; presentation by Prevention of Gun Violence, plans for September 26 voter registration event.
Saturday, September 23, Warrenton INCO monthly meeting, 11 a.m. Strategy session with Deb Vanasse. One-time venue change to accommodate everyone. Uptown Cafe meeting room, in Warrenton near Staples and Petco.UPCOMINGTuesday, September 26 - INCO Vote the Future Non-partisan Voter Registration & Information Event - Astoria, 10 am - 2 pm, Clatsop Community College, Towler Hall, 3rd floor Commons; part of National Voter Registration Day.Tuesday, September 26 - INCO Vote the Future Non-partisan Voter Registration & Information Event - Cannon Beach, 1 pm - close, Cannon Beach Farmer's Market; part of National Voter Registration Day.
Wednesday, September 27, Washington INCO Community Group meeting, 6 - 8 pm, Ilwaco Community Building. Celebrate our work so far. Bring a list of your accomplishments. Take a bow. Learn from each other. Max 5 minute boasts, toasts, and concerns. Then we'll go to work. Gwen will post an agenda. A 15-minute post card work session will follow the meeting. Questions to, September 28 - INCO Book Club, 6:30 - 8 pm, member's home in Astoria. This month's book is NO IS NOT ENOUGH, by Naomi Klein. For NEW LOCATION and more info, contact
Tuesday, October 3 - INCO Oppose Bigotry Team Meeting, 6 pm, member's home in Astoria. Contact for location and more info.
Thursday October 5 - Astoria INCO Monthly meeting, 6 pm - set up & social, 6:30-8 - meeting; 3 Cups Coffee House, 279 West Marine Drive
Thursday, October 12 - Resistance School - Sustaining the Resistance and Sharing Stories; 6 -8 pm; Seaside Library Community RoomTuesday, October 17, 2017 - Town Hall - US Representative Suzanne Bonamici, 6:00pm,
Cannon Beach Chamber of Commerce, Community Hall, 207 N Spruce Street
A psychic made some spot-on predictions about Kathleen's life decades ago, but didn't foresee our radiant Lady Lib. Read more here. |
Civics is not just knowing what is happening in the world, but knowing how to be better citizens of the world. There is no such thing as "your side of the boat is sinking.” — E. Johns
Cheers to everyone - and their colorful compelling signs - who rallied for Dreamers on Saturday! Lots of supportive thumbs up and honking from passing vehicles. |
Enter the Trump poetry contest sponsored by Nicholas Kristof, NY Times columnist. Rules and details here. Deadline is October 8.
Check out the Indivisible OR-1 newsletter for important information about key issues, including health care, jobs, North Korea, etc. All Indivisible groups in Oregon's 1st Congressional district are in the OR-1 network.
Blue state/red state calling tool is back: help fund calls to stop TrumpCare once and for all. We’re pulling out all the stops to end the latest reincarnation of TrumpCare. And we need your help to sponsor a call tool that will connect Indivisibles across the country with progressive constituents in Alaska, Arizona, Tennessee, and West Virginia, to encourage them to call their Senators.INCO has "In Our America" yard signs, window signs/posters, and bumper stickers! Want one? Contact Laurie at
Do you agree with INCO's mission to defend democracy by opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption? If yes, then get involved with your INCO Community Group today in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside, Warrenton, Astoria, Washington Peninsula.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at incoregon@gmail.comShare this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.INCO is supported entirely by your donations! Donate here.INCO Weekly Newsletter September 18, 2017