Monday, October 19, 2020

Action: Trump Ignores His COVID Calamity To Protect His Presidency




With the third wave of infections exploding, why would Trump and Republicans divert their energies to one person when: 

  • Covid pushed 8 million Americans into poverty since May and 22 million working poor are close.

  • 6 million missed their September rent or mortgage payment.

  • 29.5% of households with kids suffer food insecurity, unprecedented in modern times.

  • Covid job losses and early withdrawals mean half of Americans over 55 may retire poor.

  • Harvard economists warn Covid “is the greatest threat to prosperity since 1929.”

But priorities expose values. And the highest value for Trump and Senate Republicans now is packing the Supreme Court with extreme conservatives.

SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett skated through Senate hearings last week with well-practiced evasions. 

Dem. Sen. Dick Durban said in frustration: “What was the point of these hearings if we really don’t know what she thinks about any issue?”

Well, the point is that Trump and Republicans believe she will:

  • Gut Obamacare.

  • Oppose gay rights.

  • Tacitly support voter suppression.

  • Limit or ban abortions.

  • And, BONUS, be the vote allowing Trump to remain president.

Confirmation could come Friday.

Biden is focused on stopping Covid and reducing poverty rates. Those are his priority.

Cut the politics and help Americans.

1. Call the Senate.

Script Oregon Senators

Script for Republican Senators

2. Call the House.

Script for Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01)

Script for Greg Walden (OR-02)

Script for Peter DeFazio (OR-04)

Script for Kurt Schrader (OR-05)

3. Save Our Democracy.