Monday, May 7, 2018

INCO Weekly Newsletter 5/7

Ballots are due on Tuesday, May 15, by 8 pm. Postmarks don't count.
Progressive candidates can't win if progressives don't vote.
If you haven't received your ballot, contact the County Elections Office,

Candidates' Interviews
Local journalist Joan Herman interviews candidates on "Perspectives" on KMUN radio, 91.9FM. Her questions are spot-on, with time for meaningful answers. 
County Commissioners, Districts 1 and 3 - podcast is here. 
County Commissioners, District 5 - podcast is here.
Oregon House of Representatives, District 32 podcast is here.
Clatsop Care Health District Bond Issue  and operating levy for the Warrenton Police Department  - podcast is here.
INCO is not endorsing or fielding candidates in the May 15 election.  
We encourage all Indivisibles to get involved with a campaign, to support the candidates of your choice, and to help get out the vote.
Note new location for this meeting:  Wet Dog/Astoria Brewing, on 11th at the Riverwalk
INCO wants to know what kind of Astoria Community Group you want. If you're an Astorian or are likely to get involved with Astoria activities, please complete our three-minute survey here. Discover the results at the Astoria CG meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 6 pm, at Wet Dog/Astoria Brewing, 144 11th Street, on the Riverwalk. 
Get Out the Vote (GOTV) with the Vote the Future Team
The Vote the Future team will be going door-to-door in Astoria on Tuesday, May 8. Meet at Wet Dog/Astoria Brewing, on 11th at the Riverwalkat 6 pm to get started with walking maps and guidance from Bebe and Eric. All Indivisibles are invited!

You can help Get Out the Vote in Astoria, Cannon Beach, Warrenton, and East County. Be part of the VTF team, or pass out Candidates Scorecards on your ownContact  
 ACTION PRIORITIES  Sign up for the weekly Americans of Conscience Action Checklist. Follow up on this week's Checklist issues you care about. Contact elected officials here.
• Tell your senators to reject Gina Haspel as CIA Director. The first hearing on her nomination for CIA Director is Wednesday, May 9. She personally helped torture detainees in a secret CIA-run prison during the Bush administration. She then made sure the video evidence was destroyed. Beyond waterboarding, detainees were sexually assaulted, beaten, isolated and starved. They faced mock executions, threats to their families, and psychological experimentation. More info here. Another article is here.

• Tell your Representative to stand with hungry families and oppose H.R. 2, the House farm bill. This bill would result in 2 million people losing their food assistance because of new work requirements attached to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps). 1 in 8 Americans relies on SNAP. These changes will take food out of the mouths of children, elderly people, and people living with chronic illness. Please do not approve the Farm Bill with new hurdles for work requirements intact. 

• Tell your Members of Congress to protect privacy, science, and the EPA. The Trump Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to seek changes that undermine scientific research and would make public the personal health information of every individual considered for the scientific study under discussion. 

• Tell your Senators to stand with seniors, families, and people with high medical expenses. HUD Secretary Ben Carson plans to triple rent costs for 4.7 million of our nation’s most vulnerable families. His proposal would disproportionately affect seniors, families with children, and people with high medical expenses. Please stand up for our vulnerable citizens. More info here.

• Tell your Members of Congress to uphold the rule of law and protect our democracy.Especially if Trump fires Rosenstein or Mueller or otherwise tries to stomp on the rule of law. More info here.
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
All Indivisibles are welcome at all these events and meetings.
Tuesday, May 8 - Astoria Community Group meeting and Get Out the Vote - 6 pmWet Dog/Astoria Brewing, 144 11th Street, on the Riverwalk, Astoria. Note new location for this meeting. No purchase necessary.  Bebe Michel, INCO's GOTV coordinator, and Seaside, Gearhart, and Astoria Indivisibles will canvass Astoria with the Candidates Scorecards, while people who don’t want to canvass can stay behind and have a meeting. All Indivisibles are welcome -  INCO provides addresses of likely progressive voters and walking maps. 

Tuesday, May 8 - Seaside-Gearhart Community Group takes part in INCO's Get Out the Vote campaign in Astoria -  6 pm at Wet Dog/Astoria Brewing, 144 11th Street, on the Riverwalk, Astoria. Note new location for this meeting. No purchase necessary. All Indivisibles are welcome -  INCO provides addresses of likely progressive voters and walking maps. 

Wednesday, May 9 - INCO Book Club - 6:30 pm, a home in Astoria.Contact  for location. The May book is In the Country We Love, by Dianne Guerrero, Henry Holt & Co., 2016.  It is only available in hardcover, but you can find used copies online at Powell’s Books in Portland.
Friday, May 11 - INCO Cannon Beach-Manzanita meeting - 7pm, Tolovana Hall (aka Tolovana Arts Colony), 3779 S Hemlock, Tolovana Park
Most Fridays - INCO Southwest Washington postcard party; email for date, time and place.

Tuesday, May 15 - BALLOTS DUE - 8 pmPostmarks don't count.
Wednesday, May 16 - Vote the Future Team Meeting - 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room
No more trash on Harbor Drive in Warrenton! That's the goal of Warrenton INCO's Community Group, which started their Adopt-a-Highway project on May 5. They picked up 10 bags of debris from Harbor Drive in Warrenton, and had fun doing it! Thank you to Meridee, Carmen, Kat, Kathi, Carrie, Karen, Del, and Cheryl.
"This business of being human is basically a jalopy ride over potholes, which is why it’s so important to ride with the best people you know, wherever possible, and to make sure you take note of any particularly beautiful scenery."   
-- Carolyn Hax             
We're Ready! 
Here's what we'll do if Trump crosses one of three red lines that threatens the rule of law as it relates to the investigation: fire Mueller, fire Rosenstein, pardon key figures.

We'll take to the streets to 
Rally for the Rule of Law at 8th and Commercial in Astoria. If the red line is crossed before 2 pm local time, we rally at 5 pm that day; if it's crossed after 2 pm local time, we rally at noon the next day. Indivisibles across the nation will be gathering according to this schedule.  

We'll post info about a Rally for the Rule of Law on our INCO Facebook page and email an Action Alert. You can also sign up (RSVP) for a notification here.  
Inform and inspire others with a letter to the editor (LTE) to the Daily Astorian. Letters are among the most popular features in the paper. Even a paragraph or two makes an impact. Rules and directions for submitting your letter are here
Write about an issue you care about.

Suggested topics for this week:  
The Mueller investigation, candidates you support, why elections matter, responsible gun laws, this administration's policies undercutting laws protecting clean air and water
INCO has Community Groups in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside-Gearhart, Warrenton, Astoria-East County, or the Washington Peninsula. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to get active with INCO's Events Team, Oppose Bigotry Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club. Contact for more information.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Elections, voting, issues, and more at INCO's Vote the Future website:

 Join INCO's closed Facebook group for more actions, information, and discussion.
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters.
INCO is supported entirely by donations. Please donate here.

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   May 7, 2018
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