Monday, May 21, 2018

INCO Weekly Newsletter 5/21

How to stay inspired in your engagement with democracy
As a person of conscience, there's something more important than what you do--it's identifying why you do it. It's that spark or passion or gut-level belief in something that guided you into this work in the first place. What is it? . . . . So, stop for a moment and think about why you're doing it. What goal does your call help achieve? What dream does your letter help realize?
Finding the deeper meaning behind our actions helps us stay inspired.
​​​​​​​. . . .  For me, it's being a part of the solution. It's helping realize the promise of democracy and help others do the same. Some days are hard, but this purpose enlivens me and helps inspire me when I want out.
I invite you to take another step this week toward a kinder future where every life and voice is valued. They'll hear us better if we speak up together.

-- Jen Hoffman
 Americans of Conscience Action Checklist
 ACTION PRIORITIES    Contact elected officials here.
Sign up for the weekly Americans of Conscience Action Checklist.This week's Checklist is only gratitude and good news. 
• Decline to sign. Petitions are circulating in Oregon to put anti-immigration and other anti-progressive measures on the Oregon ballot, including to repeal Oregon's 30-year old Sanctuary Cities law. Read about the extremist groups with dangerous ideas and deep pockets promoting a series of destructive ballot measures that target women, immigrant communities, and all Oregon families. If asked to sign a petition, ask to see the "paid petitioner" button, required by Oregon law. Do not sign the petition for Initiative 22.

 Stay vigilant. Right-wing extremists are running for national office around the country on platforms of hate and more hate. "Extremist and fringe candidates, although they often lack political viability, are able to influence the races they participate in by forcing unearned oxygen toward the bizarre, dangerous and destructive reaches of the right-wing movement."  

• Demand net neutrality. Congress still has to vote to keep or overturn the FCC’s plan to end net neutrality. Without net neutrality, giant ISPs could destroy the open Internet by dividing it into “fast lanes” for those paying more and “slow lanes” for everyone else. 

• Demand sensible gun laws. With your help, Americans can prevent gun violence. Indivisible tells how we can support #NeverAgain.

• Tell your Members of Congress to uphold the rule of law and protect our democracy. Especially if Trump fires Rosenstein or Mueller or otherwise tries to stomp on the rule of law. More info here.
Cathey, Sharon, Laura, Bebe, Kathleen, Debby (not shown), and Laurie (not shown) wrote postcards last Friday urging voters to support the progressive candidate in a California primary election. Join the fun next time!
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Postcards To Voters Writing Party
Friday, May 25
4:30pm - 6pm at Bebe’s house in Gearhart
We're writing postcards to voters as part of a national effort to get progressive victories in key elections around the US.
Postcards, pens and postage provided — we just need you!
And afterwards let’s go to McMenamin’s Sandtrap Pub for sustenance and libations.  Contact Bebe at for address.  

We're Turning Our Country Around
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
All Indivisibles are welcome at all these events and meetings.
Friday, May 25 - Postcards to Voters Writing Party, 4:30 - 6 pm at Bebe's house in Gearhart.Contact Bebe at for address.  

Saturday, June 2 - Astoria Community Group, 8- 9:30 am, Street 14 Cafe, 1410 Commercial. We're starting to Storm the Midterms!  
We'd love to see you at our new meeting day, time, and location!

Saturday, June 2 - Warrenton Community Group, 11:00 am, at Dooger's Seafood and Grill in Warrenton.  No purchase necessary.

Saturday, June 9 - Walk with INCO in Riverwalk PRIDE Parade, 12 noon, leaves from the Riverwalk at 4th Street; INCO table at PRIDE Block Party, 1-8 pm, Riverwalk at Barbey Maritime Center; for details.

Tuesday, June 12 - Seaside/Gearhart Community Group Meeting , 6:30-8:00pm at Kathleen Macdonald’s house, 77 7th Ave, Seaside. We will be planning our participation in the 4th of July Parade in Seaside. 

Wednesday, June 13 - INCO Book Club6:30 pm, at Carolyn's, Astoria. Contact for directions. This month's book is Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think  by George Lakoff.  Either the second edition 2002 or the third edition 2016 works. The author analyzes the unconscious world-views of liberals and conservatives, explaining why they are at odds over so many seemingly unrelated topics.

Wednesday, June 20 - Vote The Future meeting, 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room
INCO is Storming the Midterms
Unhappy with the Trump agenda? From INCO’s Vote the Future team, here are actions you can take THIS WEEK to Storm the Midterms and flip Congress, starting with neighboring Congressional Districts OR-2 and WA-3. We'll update you weekly about these campaigns.
OR- 2: CONGRATULATIONS to Jamie McLeod-Skinner! She won the Democratic primary and will run against incumbent Greg Walden in November. Walden has held the seat since 1999 and was a leader in writing and promoting TrumpCare. INCO will be helping to give him a retirement party!

Start helping elect Jamie by going to her website. Take a look at her background and values, and learn more about her. Then click on the Join Us tab and sign up for campaign updates. \

WA-3:  Rep. Jaime Herrera-Buetler votes with the Trump agenda 90% of the time. In the Aug. 7 primary, voters in Pacific County will choose her opponent. Help spread the word that Jaime needs to go by sharing tweets #ReplaceJHB. Here’s how you can become a Twitter activist!
In advance of the primary, voter registration, identification, and motivation are key. Volunteer to help with these efforts in Pacific County by emailing
"The arc bending toward justice is no mystery: It bends because people force it to bend."
-- David A. Bell
We're Ready! 
Here's INCO's plan if Trump crosses one of three red lines that threatens the rule of law as it relates to the investigation: fire Mueller, fire Rosenstein, pardon key figures.

We'll take to the streets to 
Rally for the Rule of Law at 8th and Commercial in Astoria. If the red line is crossed before 2 pm local time, we rally at 5 pm that day; if it's crossed after 2 pm local time, we rally at noon the next day. Indivisibles across the nation will be gathering according to this schedule.  

We'll post info about a Rally for the Rule of Law on our INCO Facebook page and email an Action Alert. You can also sign up (RSVP) for a notification here.  
Inform and inspire others with a letter to the editor (LTE) to the Daily Astorian. Letters are among the most popular features in the paper. Even a paragraph or two makes an impact. Rules and directions for submitting your letter are here
Write about an issue you care about.

Suggested topics for this week:  
The Mueller investigation, restoring net neutrality, responsible gun laws, EPA's expensive, self-indulgent leadership and this administration's policies undercutting laws protecting clean air and water
INCO has Community Groups in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside-Gearhart, Warrenton, Astoria-East County, or the Washington Peninsula. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to get active with INCO's Events Team, Oppose Bigotry Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club. Contact for more information.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Elections, voting, issues, and more at INCO's Vote the Future website:

 Join INCO's closed Facebook group for more actions, information, and discussion.
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters.
INCO is supported entirely by donations. Please donate here.

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   May 21, 2018