Energize the Clean Energy Jobs Bill
From Mike Cook: "Please urge State Senator Betsy Johnson to support this bill. On top of legislative wrangling, there seems to be a malaise in the lobbying efforts to simply protect the bills for the ‘19 session. So, civility and brevity, but, spark, passion, determined voices are needed now. Contact her at 503-543-4200 or at 503-986-1716. Sen.BetsyJohnson@oregonlegislature.gov.
Passion points: -10 years in process, we need no more time, it’s tested and proven process..clean energy, growing economies. -2019 is not an option. We need to start now, we can’t put off this potential resource to fund resiliency efforts in the face of increasing coastal storm, fire, flooding, slide, power, risks -We can’t afford wrestling for power in the capitol at the cost of our children’s, state’s and world’s future. -Keep it personal, local and in your place as his or her constituent. |