Monday, February 26, 2018


 ACTION PRIORITIES     This week's Americans of Conscience Action Checklist is here.  
Join INCO's closed Facebook group for more actions, information, and discussion.      

Contact elected officials here.

•  Ask Senator Betsy Johnson to Support the National Popular Vote (NPV) in Oregon. NPV = one person, one vote, all votes equal.
The NPV is a proposed agreement among states to give their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. It's seen as a way to fix our election system within the US Constitution. After years of trying, this is the first time the Oregon Senate gets to vote on this bill.

Call or write Senator Betsy Johnson and ask her to vote yes on a clean NPV bill that does not refer NPV to a ballot initiative. Contact her at 503-543-4200‬ or at 503-986-1716.  

More information about NPV is here. For questions specific to NPV in Oregon contact Eric Halperin at  

•  Tell your Members of Congress to stop the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (a bill that makes mass shootings easier)The Senate is considering a bill that is a top priority of the NRA. This bill would require states to recognize the gun laws of other states, essentially forcing them to accept lower standards than their own. That means that gun owners from states with minimal restrictions like Florida’s could legally carry their weapons anywhere, even to a state that would normally have prohibited them from carrying a gun. This bill has already passed the House, and the Senate is expected to bring it up this year. Read this resource on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

• Support other brave students resisting the Trump agenda - the Dreamers.Urge your Members of Congress to pass a DACA fix that is consistent with our values and that doesn’t require Dreamers to sacrifice their parents in the process. More information here.
Laura, Kay, Eric, and Bebe (the photographer) are signed up and writing Postcards to Voters. Thousands across the US are encouraging voters in this effective action. You can, too!  More information is here.
Noon - 1:30 pm • 8th and Commercial, outside the Astoria Post Office
Bring signs and chants!
INCO is partnering with local students and their families for this rally to support their work to stop gun violence. As one student told us at our February 23 planning meeting, "I don't want to die in school." Along with thousands  across the country, we are taking to the streets to demand that student lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools and elsewhere now. 

•  ACLU is hosting a conference call on Thursday for students who want to be fully informed about their right to protest. 
•  The March for Our Lives Facebook page is another helpful resource.

•  Nationally, Women's March organizers are spearheading a 17-minute school walkout
March 14.
•  Student survivors of the Parkland massacre are organizing the March for Our Lives /> on March 24. 

INCO plans to engage with efforts around the country to put an end to gun massacres, once and for all. If you'd like to help with INCO's activities about this issue, email
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
Saturday, March 3 - Warrenton Community Group meeting, 11 am, Dooger's Restaurant, Warrenton. The CG is putting together a hard copy contact list for our members, strictly on an opt-in basis, containing name, email address, mailing address and phone number. This list is intended for emergency use, special meeting notification, etc.  If interested in having your info included and receiving a hard copy of this list, please email Meridee Faber at no later than Feb. 26.

Every Wednesday - INCO Happy Hour, 4-6 pm, Buoy Beer, probably in the Tap Room, foot of 8th on the Riverwalk, Astoria. Food and non-alcoholic drinks available; no host, no agenda, no meeting. 

Most Fridays - INCO Southwest Washington postcard party; email gwenbrake@gmail.comfor date, time and place.

Tuesday, March 6 - Oppose Bigotry Team meeting, 6 pm, at Joan's, Astoria. Contact for directions.

Thursday, March 8 - Upper North Coast INCO (Manzanita/Cannon Beach),  6:30 pm, contact for address & directions.

Tuesday, March 13 - Astoria Community Group meeting, 6 pm, WineKraft, 80 10th Street, on the Riverwalk, Astoria

Tuesday, March 13 - Seaside/Gearhart Community Group meeting, 6:30 - 8 pm, in Gearhart.  E-mail for address/directions.

Wednesday, March 14 - INCO Book Club, 6:30 pm, at Carolyn's, Astoria. Contact for directions. This month's book is The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life, by Any Partanen.

Wednesday, March 21- Vote the Future Team meeting, 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room

Saturday, March 24 -Rally For Our Lives, noon - 1:30 pm, 8th and Commercial outside the Astoria post office. Bring signs. Local students, their families, and INCO are partnering for this community event.
A civic-minded crowd waved INCO's Agree/Disagree signs as Senator Jeff Merkley answered their tough questions at his February 20 Town Hall in Seaside.
You can inform and inspire others with a letter to the editor (LTE) to the Daily Astorian. Letters are among the most popular features in the paper. Even a paragraph or two makes an impact. Rules and directions for submitting your letter are here. Tips for letter-writing are here. 

Suggested topics for this week:  
•  One person, one vote, all votes equal  - -why the Oregon legislature needs to pass the National Popular Vote (NPV). Info here.
•  The local or personal impact of gun violence, gun sales, the NRA, etc. 
Moms Demand Action has this resource showing how Oregon could do betterHere's another national campaign for electing people who will work for gun safety. 

•  Check out this video about maximizing the impact of your words.
"Ignorance is not a viewpoint. Stupidity is not a political platform.
Hate is not an opinion. Lies are not arguments."
-- Bruce Rozenblit
Our children guide and inspire us. We can't let them down. -- Astoria Women's March, 2017.
Energize the Clean Energy Jobs Bill 
From Mike Cook:  "Please urge State Senator Betsy Johnson to support this bill. On top of legislative wrangling, there seems to be a malaise in the lobbying efforts to simply protect the bills for the ‘19 session.  So, civility and brevity, but, spark, passion, determined voices are needed now. Contact her at 503-543-4200‬ or at 503-986-1716.

Passion points:
-10 years in process, we need no more time, it’s tested and proven process..clean energy, growing economies.
-2019 is not an option.  We need to start now, we can’t put off this potential resource to fund resiliency efforts in the face of increasing coastal storm, fire, flooding, slide, power, risks
-We can’t afford wrestling for power in the capitol at the cost of our children’s, state’s and world’s future.
-Keep it personal, local and in your place as his or her constituent.
We're Ready! 
INCO has planned a “Rally for the Rule of Law,” to be held in the event Trump fires Rosenstein or Mueller or takes a similar action that threatens the rule of law as it relates to the investigation. We'll post info on our INCO Facebook page and email an Action Alert. You can also sign up (RSVP) for a notification here.  
Get involved with an INCO Community Group in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside-Gearhart, Warrenton, Astoria-East County, or the Washington Peninsula. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to get active with INCO's Events Team, Oppose Bigotry Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club. Contact for more information.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.
INCO is supported entirely by donations. Please donate here.

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   February 26, 2018