Tuesday, December 12, 2017

INCO Weekly Newsletter 12/11

Dear Indivisibles:
After the vote in the Senate on the Tax Bill and other bad news I just wanted to hide under the covers until it was over. I took the weekend off from it all. Our daughter drove me around this beautiful part of the world. I feel a bit refreshed and hope to continue to keep up the pressure for a United States of my dreams. Our work has resulted in some things being blocked or changed - remember that when you get discouraged.

We are in this together and can prevail--  as we observe on the Oregon Coast, water wears away the stone.

Ann Fontaine, Cannon Beach
 www.indivisible.org         Contact elected officials here.
•  Raise the heat to stop the Tax Scam.
Thank your Democratic Members of Congress (MoC) who voted against the tax plan.
Washington Indivisibles: Keep up the pressure on Republican MoCs, who supported it. 
Republicans from the House and Senate are negotiating a combined Tax Scam bill. When they finish, it comes back up for a vote in each chamber - and it will be close, again. Now is the time to say that we WILL NOT accept a handout to millionaires and billionaires.
•  Protect the Dreamers from deportation.
Senators Cantwell, Murray, and Wyden voted for the Continuing Resolution on December 8, even though it did not include a clean DREAM Act.
Call Senators Cantwell, Murray, and Wyden to demand they make it right by voting against the next CR on Dec. 22.
Call to thank Senator Merkley for voting NO. 
He needs to know he has your support.
Here’s how to take action:
  • Read Indivisible.org's call scripts on dreamerpledge.org.
  • Call 1-855-980-2355 and you’ll be connected with one of your Senators. Use our script to inform your conversation with the Senators’ staff. Call back again and you’ll be connected to your other Senator.
• Stay in Touch with Your Members of Congress:
CONCEALED CARRY LEGISLATION: The House passed H.R. 38. This NRA-GOP legislation would allow people to carry concealed guns in every state, regardless of state law. Here's what else it does. It goes to the Senate next.

SAVE FAIR INTERNET ACCESS. Tell your Members of Congress to keep net neutrality part of US law. Read more from Wired.com here.

PROTECT AMERICA'S TRADE, SAFETY, AND STANDING IN THE WORLD. Indivisible.org is tracking the multiple ways Trump endangers the US. Read their findings here.

PROTECT THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION. Recent  indictments and other developments threaten Trump, his administration, and his family. Details here.
Enrollment Deadline for ACA is December 15.  
There is still a penalty for not havingt health coverage. 
Go to OregonHealthCare.gov for more information. Enter your zip code here to find local resources.
Make copies and distribute this color flyer or this black & white flyer.
Please share this information with others.
Support Voter Information Pamphlet 
INCO’s Vote the Future team is on the county commissioners' agenda to present the case for having a voter information pamphlet in Clatsop County even in off-year elections. Please attend to support this great project to strengthen our local democracy!
Clatsop County Commissioners regular meeting
Wednesday, January 10 at 6 pm
Judge Guy Boyington Building, Astoria - - SE corner of 9th and Commercial, enter on 9th; parking on the street and in the below-grade parking lot, enter from 9th. Contact incoregon@gmail.com for more info.
Excerpts of wisdom and warnings from 
by Timothy Snyder, Tim Duggan Books, 2017

Lesson 1: "Do not obey in advance .... A citizen who adapts in this way is teaching power what it can do."

Lesson 2: "Defend institutions .... The mistake is to assume that rulers who came to power through institutions cannot change or destroy those very institutions - even when that is exactly what they have announced that they will do."

Lesson 3:  "Beware the one-party state .... (H)uman nature is such that American democracy must be defended from Americans who would exploit its freedoms to bring about its end."
Were you one of the more than 1300 people at the Astoria Women's March on January 20, 2017?  You can see the stage with the white & blue canopies on the left in this wide-angle photo. Recapture the energy and  determination at the INCO Regional Summit - Turn the Tide 2018, on January 20, 2018. 
Turn the Tide 2018 

INCO Regional Summit
Saturday, January 20 
 Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria
Free • Open to all defenders of democracy
Look for details coming soon!

8:30 - 4:30 Come for one session or stay for the day
• Energize & strategize for 2018
 • Community networking and engagement

• Resources, opportunities, imagination

4:30 - 5:30ish  "Run for Something" 
Q&A for potential candidates: election info, campaign & support strategies
Hosted by INCO's Vote the Future Team

8 - 10 pm - Rock the Resistance Dance
INCO's Faces of Democracy   
Active in Gearhart after moving from Tillamook this fall, Eric Halperin and Bebe Michel are new INCO leaders busy working on voting rights, healthcare for all, and other vital issues. Read more here.
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
Wednesday, December 13 - INCO Book Club, 6:30 pm, Astoria. This month's book is Dan Rather's What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism. RSVP and get location and directions at cebeady@outlook.com.

Saturday, December 16 - Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, 11 a.m., Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Hwy 101, Warrenton

Wednesday, December 20 - Vote the Future Team meeting,  6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room; prep for the January County Commission meeting about the voter information booklet and also the January 20 INCO community conference.

Tuesday, January 2 - Oppose Bigotry Team meeting, 6 pm, Astoria. For location and directions contact catladyjoan@gmail.com. Finalizing plans for Martin Luther King Day event.

Tuesday, January 9 - Astoria INCO Community Group meeting, 6 pm, WineKraft, foot of 11th on the Riverwalk; no December meeting

Sunday, January 16 - "Selma" film screening and candlelight walk for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 2 pm, Liberty Theater, 12th & Commercial, Astoria; film tickets $10; hosted by Astoria International Film Festival, INCO, Lower Columbia Diversity Project, and other community partners

Saturday, January 20 - Turn the Tide 2018 • INCO Regional Summit, 8:30 - 4:30, Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria; free and open to all defenders of democracy

Saturday, January 20 - "Run for Something," 4:30 - 5:30, Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria;  informal expert advice about elections and running for office; hosted by INCO's Vote the Future team; free and open to everyone thinking about running for office

Saturday, January 20 - "Rock the Resistance" dance, 8 - 10 pm, Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria; free and open to all defenders of democracy
 We applaud the many groups around the country that defend democracy, support science, and promote truth, respect for all, and the rule of law.  Here are some to check out for yourself:
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Public Citizen
People for the American Way

Rural Organizing Project (Oregon)
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG)
“Liberal democracy is fragile, constantly threatened, always in need of repair. But liberal democracy is also strong, because, to a greater extent than any other political form, it harbors the power of self-correction.”

— US Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, (D) Illinois


 Get involved with your INCO Community Group today in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside, Warrenton, Astoria, Washington Peninsula.

INCO's Events Team, Oppose Bigotry Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club are INCO-wide. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to participate. For more information, contact incoregon@gmail.com.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at incoregon@gmail.com
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.

INCO is supported entirely by your donations. Donate here.

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   December 11, 2017