There’s nothing like being with like-minded, enthusiastic, pro-democracy Clatsopians for inspiration! Especially at our rally last Thursday demanding responsible, accountable representation in state government from State Senator Suzanne "No Show" Weber.
People in passing vehicles on 101 honked in support and gave us thumbs up. We also had fascinating and frustrating conversations with fact-challenged Weber fans.
Thanks to INCO activist Cheryl Conway for initiating and organizing our first rally since December, 2019 and Covid.
KUDOS to all INCO friends who are writing to Ohio voters! You are making a difference!
You can help save democracy by encouraging voters to vote in key elections! It's easy to sign up for Postcards to Voters and Vote Forward'sLetters to Voters. Use inexpensive heavyweight 4x6 index cards, or buy your own colorful cards.
Don't let the cost of postage stamps stop you from reaching out to support good candidates and causes! If you are writing to voters, INCO can help pay for envelopes, postcards, and postage. Thanks to generous donors and Indivisible, INCO treasurer Eric Halperin can have stamps delivered directly to you. Contact Laurie at incoregon@gmail.comfor details.
"It is so reassuring to see groups forming to do phone banking and letter writing and getting out the message of the benefits of voting for Democrats. Hopefully this will spread across the entire US.
We live in France and are a part of Democrats Abroad. Our little group, like that in the Valley, meets the first Friday of every month to discuss US and French politics. We are part of an ongoing movement in Democrats Abroad to get out the vote and make sure those living abroad register and vote. So far it has been a tremendous success as we obtained over 12,000 votes in the crucial Georgia election for 2 US Senators. Actual personal participation is so important and thank you for providing a blog suggesting we all get out and work this coming 2024." -- Richard Stenton, comment in Robert Hubbell's newsletter, July, 24, 2023
"The Democrats passed a massive bill to remake America in the face of climate change, and they are eager to see it succeed. If that means doling out money to their political opponents, so be it. We are, after all, one nation. And we need as many people to be on board as possible. . . .
"It’s all part of Biden’s big bet, which in turn is a big bet of we, the people: Can we, as a nation, return to a more functional politics? Can we act as a unified people and not camps of narrow competing self-interests? Can opportunities not be framed as a zero-sum game? And can we, by acting together, save our country and our planet?" -- Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner, STEADY, July 26, 2023
"So many Americans are so angry and distrustful that they’ll look for answers in the strangest of places. They’ll bow down to and elevate the unlikeliest of prophets. Trump and Kennedy are the self-proclaimed martyrs of the moment. There will be more where they came from.” — Frank Bruni, New York Times, July 20, 2023
INSIGHTS "The promises we mean to keep and the plans we intend to execute can be postponed only so much. Time is of the essence. Which is perhaps why we’re graced with the wisdom to see that.” —Frank Bruni, New York Times columnist
Indivisible defends democracy by opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption. Comments, news, and photos to INCO at Resources and other information at and Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website or here. Look for the INCO column in Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too. INCO Weekly Newsletter July 31, 2023