Monday, July 3, 2017

INCO Weekly Newsletter 7/3

Defending democracy and opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption.
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here.
Trump Wants Your Voter Records.
By now, you've probably heard that the Trump administration is requesting voter information and histories from every state. They want your voter records.   
Indivisibles need to get engaged now.  
It's simple. Show up. 
We need you to show up at events where our numbers are being counted. Being visible is important. Numbers matter. And everyone can contribute in one way or another.   

-- Gwen Brake, INCO, Washington Peninsula
Our Action Priorities This Week
Thanks to the public outcry, the GOP has to postpone its vote on Trumpcare until after the week-long July 4 recess.  What we must do:
  • Thank Senators Wyden, Merkley, Murray, and Cantwell for standing with their constituents against this outrageous tax cut for the wealthy, disguised as a health care bill. Tell them we're counting on them to continue this fight and to stand indivisible with us. Contact info is here
  • Protect Oregonians. The Oregon Health Authority reports that more than 440,000 Oregonians could lose their health coverage.  To prevent Medicaid coverage losses, Oregon’s budget would face a $6.2 billion cost shift from 2020 to 2026. Oregon's economy would lose approximately 23,000 health care jobs by 2026. This bill would be devastating for our state! 
  • Filibuster by Amendment. You can slow down the process by submitting your own amendment to the Trumpcare bill. Really! Here's how and why.  You simply complete a very short form with your name, state, and an optional healthcare story. It only takes a minute to do. "If we lose our health care" stories here.   
Trumpcare burdens many Americans with huge costs for health care and deprives millions of coverage, while giving massive tax breaks to the 1%. Call your Members of Congress now!  
Our inspiring Lady Liberty is Kathleen Zunkel, from Warrenton.
Pick a parade and march with INCO on July 4th!  
Celebrate democracy with a smile and wave. Make Indivisible visible. 
 Send your photos of INCO on parade to and post on Facebook. 
Astoria: You're invited to join any or all of the parades listed here!

Cannon Beach: If you want to march in the July 4th parade with Indivisible, contact us here.

Seaside: 10-12:30 am. Gather at the starting place at 10 a.m. by the Seaside Museum (6th and Necanicum). We are Position 47 just before the fire truck. Might be a bit noisy but we made the parade! Bring anything that shows patriotic exuberance, but no signs. Wear red, white, and blue festive attire with comfy shoes, as the walk is about 1 mile. INCO suggests carpooling and parking in the Visitors Center at the corner of 101 and Holliday.
Warrenton: 2 - 4 pm. Meet at the Warrenton Grade School parking lot at 2 pm. Carpooling suggested. From there, we will shuttle our marchers to the assembly area on First Street west of the Post Office.  Route is down Main Street from the PO, left on 9th, ends at the grade school, just over a mile. Wear white t-shirt or shirt, blue jeans or blue pants, and an Uncle Sam hat if you have one. We'll provide candy and a limited number of hats for marchers.

Washington Peninsula:
Ocean Park, Tuesday, July 4, 11:30 line up; parade at 1 pm.  Old Fashioned Parade. This is south county's BIG chance to show up as a community.  Wear your red, white, and blue spirit and join other Trump resistors to march with Pacific County Democrats. Line up on U street at 11:30.  Parade at 1PM.  All you need is a smile.
Deb Vanasse, our INCO co-leader, led a workshop about keeping members engaged and preventing burnout at "Fuel for the Resistance," an Indivisible OR-1 organizing and activism training on June 24 in Hillsboro. Here's a link to handouts from the day's programs. The letter-to-the-editor workshop info might be especially helpful for community groups.


Check for details and new posts on our events page.
Tuesday, July 4: Parades Parades Parades!

Friday, July 7, 1-3, Washington Peninsula, Post Card and Work Session. Contact Karen for info:

Saturday, July 8, 11am-2 pm, INCO is at Vintage by the Bay, Highway 101, Garibaldi.
 Reuse, Recycle, Relove Artists Event with Bryan Foetsich and Olivia Muniz.   
Save the dates - Resistance School  
Thursday, July 13 - How to Mobilize and Organize our Communities
Thursday, August 10 - How to Structure and Build Capacity for Action
Thursday, September 14 -  How to Sustain the Resistance Long-term 

Boost your empowerment at this video training and discussion. Potluck snacks welcome. All sessions are at the Seaside Library Community Room, 6:00-8:00 pm. Hosted by Indivisible North Coast Oregon. Yard signs, posters, and buttons available.
"Many a time freedom has been rolled back -
and always for the same sorry reason: fear."                             
-- Molly Ivins


Our Oregon is a coalition of groups fighting for economic and social fairness for all Oregonians. Sign up for its newsletter here.   
Defend democracy with INCO.
Get involved with your INCO Community Group today!
Questions, concerns, & photos to INCO at