Monday, July 10, 2017

INCO Weekly Newsletter 7/10

As of July 6, there are 5983 INDIVISIBLE groups nationwide, defending democracy and opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption.  Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here.
Indivisibles enthusiastically marched in July 4th parades in Cannon Beach, left, and Seaside, right. Kathleen Macdonald reports, "We chanted "who do you love"? "America", "Why"? "We're Indivisible". The kids all loved Lady Liberty (Kathleen Zunkel) and hugs were numerous. We also chanted "USA" and the crowd joined in."  INCO also paraded in Warrenton, Cannon Beach, and Ocean Park.
Thank the Secretaries of State of Oregon and Washington for upholding state law and voter privacy.
Tell them we're counting on them to continue to say NO to the Trump administration's demand for voter records beyond what is public record. Thank Dennis Richardson Thank Kim Wyman at kim.wyman@sos.wa.govNearly all states and Washington, D.C., have denied the president's commission in one way or another. Here's more from Indivisible about opposing this flagrant attempt to dismantle our democracy.
Our Action Priorities This Week

Midterms 2018
Grow the Resistance
Midterms are just around the corner. It's a great time to encourage friends and neighbors to check out Indivisible resources and get involved with us at the local level. Our Vote the Future effort is ramping up, and we're always looking for help. Email incoregon@gmail.comto volunteer.

Helpful hints about connecting with voters of all persuasions are in a brief article by George Lakoff. He 
writes about political labels, and his insights help explain the often unconscious beliefs of liberals and conservatives - and those in between. Worth reading!

"Voters don’t vote their self-interest. They vote their values."
-- George Lakoff

Our efforts have helped stall this horrific legislation. But it's not over yet - remember the House bill passed on a third go-round. 
Congress is back in session, resuming the GOP's push for a tax cut for the wealthy, disguised as the Trumpcare health bill. Stay vigilant! The Indivisible Guide has great resources to fuel your opposition. 
INCO's Warrenton Community Group is tracking the Koch Brothers effort to convene a Constitutional Convention to rework our nation's Constitution for the benefit of the Top 1%. Contact your state legislator and ask that the 2018 legislative agenda include a vote to rescind a 1971 Oregon resolution calling for an Article V convention.

Washington residents, note that your state is one of seven that the Koch Brothers is targeting for an Article V resolution. The best defense: help turn the Washington legislature blue in this year's elections.
Get your "In Our America" yard sign or poster at Resistance School and other INCO events and meetings. INCO pins and other items are also available. 
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
Monday, July 10 - INCO Book Club. 6:30-8 pm INCO's book club will discuss "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century." For locations and directions, contact Carolyn at

Thursday, July 13 - Resistance School: How to Mobilize and Organize our Communities. 6-8 pm, Seaside Library Community Room, 1131 BroadwayVideo training and discussion. Potluck snacks welcome. Yard signs, posters, and INCO pins available.
Astoria Community Group will be meeting soon! Watch this space for details.
Thursday, August 10 - Resistance School - How to Structure and Build Capacity for Action

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some
other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the
change that we seek."
— President Barack Obama


Find out what goes on in Oregon politics with Oregon Capital Insider. It's informative and available in emails or on the web. Follow Oregon's legislature and Representative Debby Boone with this e-newsletter.
Check out the Indivisible GuideIt's written by former congressional staffers and is our guide for a resistance built on the values of inclusion, tolerance, and fairness. "Trump is not popular. He does not have a mandate. He does not have large congressional majorities. If a small minority in the Tea Party could stop President Obama, then we the majority can stop a petty tyrant named Trump."

Get involved with your INCO Community Group today!
Questions, concerns, & photos to INCO at