Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We cannot walk alone.”
Surely, as evidenced by this crowd, we do not walk alone.
Dr. King also said, “As we walk, we must make the
pledge that we’ll always march ahead.”
When today’s march is over, how will we march ahead?
How will we channel today’s energy into sustainable, effective action?
Many of you are already involved in civic-minded
organizations that embrace the call to activism. We applaud these efforts. In
the days ahead, much will be required of us. Now more than ever, we need to
support the good work of all.
One choice among many for marching ahead is Indivisible
North Coast Oregon. A two-week young movement with over 3,000 groups
nationwide, Indivisible promotes grassroots activism to resist an agenda built
on racism, authoritarianism, and corruption.
If you’re interested in marching ahead with
Indivisible, add your name to the sign-up sheet under the canopy. We’ll notify
you via email of our upcoming kick-off meeting. You can also find us on
Facebook as “Indivisible North Coast Oregon.” If you’re joining us from outside
Oregon’s 1st Congressional District, visit www.indivisibleguide.com to find a
group in your area - and of course you can still sign up for notifications from our group!
To quote once more from Dr. King, “Darkness cannot
drive out darkness; only light can do that.”
Today, we commit ourselves to being that light.