Monday, May 27, 2024

5-27-24 Newsletter


"Yet, every day, ordinary Americans make sacrifices, large and small, to defend a democracy redeemed for us by a million American lives. Whatever anxiety and disillusionment we feel pales in comparison to the sacrifices made by those we honor on Memorial Day.

"The redemption of America by those who gave their lives was not permanent. Their sacrifice purchased for us the privilege of carrying on their fight for another generation. We must vow that ours will not be the generation that falters or surrenders. Rekindle that promise on Memorial Day by honoring those who kept their promise to us."

-- Robert Hubbell, Today's Edition, May 25-26, 2024

Hooray for the 30% of registered voters in Clatsop County who voted in the May 21 election. You used your ballot to choose people to represent you in county, state, and federal government - a precious choice billions of people around the world wish they had. 

Election policies in Republican-led states make it more difficult, if not impossible, for millions of Americans to  vote. KUDOS to Oregon voters and elected leaders who make it easy to vote!

We also salute everyone who donated to or volunteered for an election campaign. 

Our democracy's future depends on each of us voting.
Let's do our best to get out the vote in November!
The count as of May 24 for Clatsop County Commissioner, District 2 was Anthony Huacuja -1122 votes, and Tessa Scheller -1094 votes, a difference of only 28 votes out of 2224 cast, including 8 write-in votes. Only about 1/3 of District 2's 6446 registered voters voted. 

In Multnomah County, 16 votes out of more than 27,000 cast determined the winner of a seat on their county commission. 
We exceeded our goal of $500, so Indivisible will give us another $500! 
These generous donations support campaigns, postcarding, and other actions to defend and strengthen our democracy.
--The Washington Post, May 8, 2024
Justice Samuel Alito has flown pro-Trump, pro-insurrectionist and Christian nationalist flags at his home and beach house - while he's also deciding cases about the January 6insurrection and attempted coup. 
Tell your senators to save democracy from this insurrectionist.
Make sure your senators are being vocal about the need for an investigation into Alito’s corruption and political partisanship. Congress must not accept a corrupt court; they must do everything in their power to expose his unfitness to serve and get him off the Supreme Court.

Senator Ron Wyden - 202 224-5244, or email here.
Senator Jeff Merkley - 202-224-3753, or email 

Here's a sample comment to her senators from a Substack reader in California:
Please give your support To Senator Whitehouse of Rhode Island on his Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act. I would prefer the word "must" to replace "shall or should" but would be happy with the bill as written. Since this bill requires no money it should not be subject to filibuster.

In the near future I would like to see a standardized code of ethics to apply to all appointed, elected, and employed members of the Federal Government. We have a similar code of ethics in California for teachers and government employees. I see no reason why any person of integrity would object to signing a similar one at the Federal level.

* You can file a complaint with the Supreme Court regarding Justice Alito. Check it out at

* Robert Hubbell notes that the Court still has to rule "on issues involving abortion (mifepristone and emergency room care), gun safety and domestic violence restraining orders, rights of unhoused people, and presidential immunity. See Eight Supreme Court Cases To Watch | ACLU."

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"Tonight, Sarah Matthews, who was deputy press secretary for the Trump administration, wrote: “Trump’s continued use of Nazi rhetoric is un-American and despicable. Yet too many Americans are brushing off the glaring red flags about what could happen if he returns to the White House. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”"

Heather Cox Richardson covers this and other red flags as Trump embraces even more extremism, in 
Letters from an American, May 20, 2024. 
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"Last week, we learned that a plaque honoring all police who responded to the Capitol is finished and waiting to be installed, but Republicans are not taking action to display it publicly, according to House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. The decision to display the plaque is up to the Speaker and the House Republican majority. Clearly, the GOP leaders, including Trump, can't honestly claim they support law enforcement. Don't even get me started on the death threats to FBI personnel coming from MAGA adherents and the fact that, for the first time in history, the FBI has had to open a unit dedicated to resolving threats against its own people."
-- Frank Figliuzzi, former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, in Civil Discourse, May 24, 2024 
Thursday, May 30  •  5-6 pm via Zoom
here. Hosted by the Democratic National Committee
The magic of positive change comes from you talking with people you already know.

Learn how to start effective conversations and actively listen. And get tips on staying organized and keeping track of people you know to help turn out the vote for Democrats.
INCO encourages you to stay informed about these and other very real dangers to our democracy and freedoms. Numerous Substack newsletters provide information, opinion, and suggested actions. Even the readers' comments are often helpful. Simply go to Substack, search at top right, and sign up for the newsletters you'd like. Most are free. Some newsletters offer audio versions and paid subscriptions providing more features.

INCO's favorites are:
Letters from an American, Heather Cox Richardson
Today's Edition, Robert Hubbell
Civil Discourse, Joyce Vance
Status Kuo, Jay Kuo
Steady, Dan Rather
The Hopium Chronicles, Simon Rosenberg
Lucian K. Truscott IV newsletter
Chop Wood Carry Water, Jessica Craven
Gather with like-minded Indivisibles to help elect pro-democracy candidates.
INCO provides postcards, scripts, pens, stamps, and Wite-Out.
TUESDAYS, 3 - 4:30 pm - WineKraft, at the east end of Pier 11 Mall, 77 11th Street, Astoria 
No purchase necessary  

WEDNESDAYS, 3 - 4:30 pm - Geneia's home in Seaside. Contact geneiajam60@gmail.comfor details.
We must defeat Trump and MAGA
Too many Americans have no idea about Trump's dictatorial plans if he wins in November. INCO encourages you to check out the alarming Time magazine cover story and interviewwith Trump - and then share it with others. Many Americans have no idea that Trump, the GOP, and Project 2025 want to dismantle, then destroy, our democracy. Historian Heather Cox Richardson summarizes his alarming recent speeches here.

 Trump endorses the GOP's Project 2025 , as do the right-wing funders and promoters of this plan for an American dictatorship. Among their goals: Destroy independent news coverage, stack the courts, arrest dissenters, establish concentration camps; weaponize the Justice Department to engage in revenge politics, prohibit contraception, marriage equality, and other health and sexuality measures.

• Another Substack newsletter about Project 2025 is How to Tell Your Friends About Project 2025. Basic Q&As show that many Americans are already suffering under Republican-led laws from Project 2025.

"Having a question is different from having no answers. That’s why the word “question” includes the syllable quest. As in a “quest” — a search.”
- Anna Deavere Smith, author & actress
Thanks to Bebe for this photo of Neacoxie Creek in Gearhart.
Indivisible defends democracy by opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption.
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at

Resources and other information at and
Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website 
or here.
Look for the INCO column in 
Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too.
INCO Weekly Newsletter   May 27, 2024
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