"... Come over, join this day just begun. For wherever we come together, We will forever overcome." -- excerpt from “New Day’s Lyric” byAmanda Gorman
DAY OF REMEMBRANCE CANDLELIGHT VIGIL Thursday, January 6 • 5 - 5:45 pm in Seaside Dedicated to a peace-loving democracy in our land
You are invited to quietly gather at the Big Orange Chair, NE corner of Broadway and Highway 101.
Please bring a candle to light, wear a double mask or heavy duty KN95 mask, and ask a friend or neighbor to come along with you.
Thanks to Nancy Holmes and Joyce Hunt for arranging this event. * * *
Volunteers are planning other vigils in Beaverton, Portland, Vancouver, and Ocean Shores, WA. Details here.
“The work of the moment and the work of the next four years must be the restoration of democracy, of decency, of honor, of respect, the rule of law. Just plain, simple decency. The renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems, looking out for one another, not stoking the flames of hate and chaos.” --President-elect Joe Biden, January 6, 2021
Luke Mogelson, a journalist who was at the US Capitol on January 6, wrote about the insurrection. Here's the New Yorker article and linksto other related stories. There's also an audio version at the site.
There's plenty of good news about the economy, health, social justice, politics, democracy, etc. For an encouraging review from several sources of the year's accomplishments, check out Robert Hubbell's December 30 column.
"A citizen ballot initiative took redistricting out of the hands of partisan legislators. The result: competitive political districts — and an example of how to push back against hyperpartisanship." -- The New York Times,December 29, 2021
"The Fox News host Tucker Carlson averaged about 3 million viewers in the most recent Nielsen ratings, for example. That’s fewer than 1 percent of Americans." --The Washington Post, January 1, 2022
Historian Heather Cox Richardson praises2021's accomplishments and also reminds us to actively oppose the GOP's anti-democratic actions. "It looks like 2022 is going to be a choppy ride, but its outcome is in our hands. As Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), who was beaten almost to death in his quest to protect the right to vote, wrote to us when he passed: “Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part.”"
Thinking about running for office, but not sure where to start? The National Council on Independent Livinglistsorganizations that host candidate training programs or manage other resources that help candidates run for office, as well as a list of books that you can read to learn more about the campaign process.
If you don't run for office, who will?
Tuesday,January 11 - INCO South County Community Group Zoom meeting, 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Please RSVP to Kathleenannmacdonald@yahoo.com thru Monday, January 10 for your Zoom link.
Saturday, January 15- INCO Warrenton Community Group, in person meeting, 11 a.m. Location TBA. Contact incoregon@gmail.com by January 13 for more information.
Saturday, January 22 - INCO Astoria - North County Community Group Zoom meeting, 11am - noon. If you are new to this group, contact incoregon@gmail.com by December 10 to get the Zoom link.
Every Friday - INCO Write to Voters (WTV) via Zoom, 3-4 pm. Informal chat while we write to voters. If you are new to this event, contact incoregon@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.
Write To Voters - Elections and issue campaigns need you year-round. Research shows that your letters to voters increased voter turnout significantly. INCO encourages you to sign up to write to voters at www.postcardstovoters.org. For general Get Out the Vote letter campaigns, sign up atVote Forward. For supplies, stamps, or information, contact incoregon@gmail.com.
"... [A] reason why I am able to retain my optimism is that I see no other option. Time and again, those who have been able to keep the embers of hope alive have often, eventually, used that faint fire to light the fuses that have changed our world for the better." — Dan Rather, Steady (on Substack)
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at incoregon@gmail.com. Resources and other information at www.incoregon.org and www.indivisible.org. Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website or here. Look for the INCO column in Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too. INCO Weekly Newsletter January 3, 2022