Monday, December 13, 2021

12-13-2021 Newsletter


Friday, December 17 
3-4 pm, via Zoom
Party Suggestions:
Decorate yourself.
Write a New Year's resolution for your least or most favorite political figure. 
Decorate your Zoom screen (go to Video options at the bottom of your Zoom screen to select filters, backgrounds, etc. Newer software is needed.) 
Share your favorite memory, gift, music.
Bring cookies.

Contact to get the Zoom link if you don't already have it for INCO's Friday Zoom writers gathering.
We can't celebrate in the same room,
so let's celebrate with Zoom!  
Believe it or not, there are many Americans who prefer fascism to democracy. Yet here we are. 

We encourage you to check out
 this excellent Washington Post article listing the 18 steps needed to destroy our democracy. Some of them are already underway. This is why Indivisibles and thousands, if not millions, of Americans are working so hard to defend our country from this insidious insurrection.

"Democracy is most likely to break down through a series of incremental actions that cumulatively undermine the electoral process, resulting in a presidential election that produces an outcome clearly at odds with the voters’ will. It is this comparatively quiet but steady subversion, rather than a violent coup or insurrection against a sitting president, that Americans today have to fear most."
-- Risa Brooks and Erica De Bruin, 
"18 Steps to a Democratic Breakdown," Washington Post, December 10, 2021
If you're worried about all the misinformation out there, connect with Indivisible's Truth Brigade to change the narrative. "Our positive, relationship-building tactics open minds, one-by-one. It’s harder to see when the right wing machine is so loud, but trust is built personally, not by mass media."

Help share the truth about inflation, vaccines, reproductive rights, and other important issues. Find out more about the exciting and effective Truth Brigade campaigns 
Tuesday, December 14 - INCO South County Community Group Zoom meeting, 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Please RSVP to thru Monday, December 13 for your Zoom link.

Saturday, January 15 - INCO Warrenton Community Group, in person meeting, 11 a.m. Location TBA. Contact by January 13 for more information.

Saturday, January 22 - INCO Astoria - North County Community Group Zoom meeting, 11am - noon. If you are new to this group, contact by December 10 to get the Zoom link. 

EVERY FRIDAY - INCO Write to Voters (WTV) Virtual Group, 3 - 4 pm. Via Zoom.  Please note: December 17 is INCO's Winter Celebration. No WTV group on December 24 or 31. WTV returns January 7, 2022. If you are new to this group, contact to get the Zoom link. 

Write To Voters - Research shows that your letters to voters increased voter turnout significantly. Elections and issue campaigns need you year-round. INCO encourages you to sign up to write to voters at For general Get Out the Vote campaigns, sign up at Vote Forward. For supplies or information, contact
“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.”
Eric Hoffer.
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at
Resources and other information at and
Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website 
or here.
Look for the INCO column in 
Hipfish Monthly.
INCO Weekly Newsletter   December 13, 2021