Monday, March 29, 2021

3-29-21 Newsletter


"... it is the only story historians will note from this era: Did Americans defend their democracy or did they fall to oligarchy?" 
        -- Heather Cox Richardson, 
Letter from An American, March 25, 2021
Join millions of other Americans in telling major corporations that they should not remain silent in the face of efforts by Georgia Republicans to roll back the gains of the last fifty years. For example, If you subscribe to Amazon, CW, Disney+, or Netflix, which are are currently filming in Georgia, consider ways of expressing your displeasure over their support of voter-suppression rules signed into law by the Georgia GOP. Tell your friends how they can identify which shows are being produced in Georgia so they can post and share that information on social media. The link is here: Now Filming In Georgia.

Robert Hubbell's March 28 newsletter details how Georgia's new anti-democratic laws will drastically suppress voting. It's not on the web, so if you'd like a copy, please contact
  Check out reporting about guns in America, in the NY Times. Image from 'A Late Show.'  
•  "In total, The Daily Beast identified five companies that appear to have gone back on their suspension of donations to GOP election objectors: AT&T, Cigna Health, Ford Motors, Pfizer, and Wells Fargo." -- The Daily Beast, March 26, 2021
•  "In at least 8 states, Republicans are trying to gain control over elections, taking power from nonpartisan election boards, secretaries of state, and governors."    -- Heather Cox Richardson, Letter from An American, March 24, 2021 
•  The GOP continues to spread "political disinformation" - what the rest of us call lies - that's affecting state elections. Read more in the New Yorker, "The Power of Political Disinformation."
"Being a substitute teacher is a hard enough job without the insult of losing PERS and access to healthcare." - - Mary Beth 

That's why INCO leadership endorsed Oregon's HB3130. In 2019, substitute teacher contracting and scheduling was outsourced to a private company. This resulted in substitute teachers losing what few benefits they had as they were no longer a part of PERS. They stopped accruing retirement and lost access to the healthcare system for public employees. HB3130 would restore substitute teachers' benefits and would be retroactive to 2019. Details of the bill can be found here.
Please urge State Representative Suzanne Weber at, to support this bill.
"If Lauren Boebert can be elected to Congress, so can you. It is time for Democrats to flood the system with good candidates who will give voters a choice."
-- Robert Hubbell, Today's Edition Newsletter, March 24, 2021 

Read here about Boebert's embrace of QAnon, her arrest record, and campaign lies and spending.
•  Check out articles and opinions on the revitalized Facebook page for Indivisible North Coast Oregon, with news from other Oregon Indivisible groups, too.

Enjoy these recent INCO columns in Hipfish Monthly, the alternative community and culture newspaper. Our column features issues and ideas written by INCO members and other activists. Hard copies available throughout the area. Online, check out March Hipfish,  February HipfishJanuary HipfishScroll down to page 6.
Astoria Indivisibles shared ideas and ideals as they developed goals for their Community Group at Street 14 Coffee House, on March 30, 2017.
Tuesday, April 13 - INCO South County Community Group Zoom meeting, 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Please RSVP to thru Monday, April 12 for your Zoom link.

Saturday,  April 17 - INCO North County Community Group Zoom meeting, 11 a.m - noon. Contact to get the Zoom link.

EVERY FRIDAY: The INCO Write to Voters group invites you to a Zoom open house for informal chat and writing to voters in special elections and for ballot issues every Friday from 3-4 pm. Pets and children welcome. Contact to get the Zoom invitation from Bebe. 
"It's not enough to be compassionate. You must act.”  
- - His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama, 1992
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at
Resources and other information at and
Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website or here.

INCO Weekly Newsletter   March 29, 2021