TUESDAY CALL OF THE WEEK Call your Members of Congress (MoC) for Indivisible Tuesday
MESSAGE: Congress must reject racism and white supremacy. Specifically Congress must reject Trump's racism and white supremacy by
Specifically they must 1. Reject trump’s racism and white supremacy by revoking the Muslim ban and overriding trump’s veto to revoke the national emergency for wall funding. 2. Pass legislation to stop gun violence - pass background checks in the senate and pass an assault weapons ban
Join other Oregon Indivisibles and call your MoCs on Tuesday. Contact info is here.
After you call,
• WRITE a Letter to the Editor. The Daily Astorian - editor@dailyastorian.com or through their website - publishes up to 250 words. No name-calling. Include your contact information.
HELP PASS PROGRESSIVE LEGISLATION Updates about Oregon legislation are posted on INCO's Vote the Future website.
We need to keep up the pressure on our legislators forthe Clean Energy Jobs Bill (CEJ) HB 2020! We know our opponents have deep pockets, so we have to make sure our voices are heard in the legislature. How do we do it? Simple.
Sign up for Monday Call-Ins for Climate. Each Monday through April 1. Renew Oregon is asking that we call our legislators. It is super easy. Just link here to Renew and then click the RSVP. For those Mondays Renew will provide you a script with key benefits of CEJ HB 2020 and all you have to do is make the call.
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Contact State Senator Betsy Johnson at 503-986-1716 or at Sen.BetsyJohnson@oregonlegislature.gov TODAY to urge her support for the National Popular Vote (NPV) bill. When enough states join this compact, their electoral votes would go to the Presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
State Representative Tiffiny Mitchell is a long-time supporter of NPV.
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Contact your state legislators if you want popular gun safety laws in Oregon. SB (Senate Bill) 275 and HB (House Bill) 2505 would require that that guns be safely secured. HB 2251 was introduced by Governor Kate Brown to require common-sense limits on gun ownership. After consulting with Mom's Demand Action and reviewing these bills, INCO'S Advocacy Team has endorsed these bills. Contact info is here.
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Speak up for favorite causes in person with your state legislators. For details, contact organizations or search for the bills online.
Thursday, March 21, HB 2020 - Climate Reality Project/ Cap and Invest - Oregon League of Conservation Voters Tuesday, March 26, HB 2015 - Equal Access to Roads Act - Causa and SEIU; 9 AM, Oregon State Capital. Register in advanceAll Oregonians need to get to work, school, or see loved ones. Providing every Oregonian with the opportunity for a driver’s license makes our streets safer and helps grow our economy. Monday, April 1, SB 770 - Health Care for All Oregon; Everybody in, nobody out! Please register in advance. Monday, April 8th,Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice's first-ever Advocacy Day in Salem. 8 am - 4 pm. Register in advance. Thursday, April 25, HB 3004 - Small Donor Elections May 20, Revenue (lobby) Day, SEIU. Corporations need to pay their fair share and Oregon must fully fund its commitments to our future
Working with local students, INCO hosted the Rally for Our Lives in Astoria in March, 2018, following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Check out what INCO members are telling Indivisible national about campaigns, candidates, and 2020. Thanks to Deb Vanasse for the graphics and reports of the results.
HAPPENINGS Details on our events page. Everyone is welcome to all these events.
THIS WEEK Wednesday,March 20 - INCO Book Club, 6:30 pm, Astoria; discussing The Square and the Tower: Networks & Power from the Freemasons to Facebook, Niall Ferguson, Penguin Random House, 2018. Email cebeady@outlook.comfor address.
Wednesday, March 20 - Vote the Future (VTF) monthly meeting, 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room
Saturday, March 23 - Warrenton Community Group meeting, 11:30, Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Highway 101, Warrenton
UPCOMING Wednesday, April 3 - Advocacy Team monthly meeting, 6:30 - 8 pm, Seaside Library Board Room
Thursday, April 4 - INCO Table at Ales & Ideas, 7 pm, Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria. Doors open at 6 pm. Food and drink available for purchase. INCO t-shirts and In Our America yard signs available for purchase. The topic is sustainable architecture.
Saturday, April 6 - Astoria Community Group monthly meeting, NEW TIME AND LOCATION: 10 a.m., WineKraft, on the Riverwalk at the foot of 10th. Thanks to WineKraft for hosting us in this room large enough to hold all of us! With a gorgeous view, too.
Tuesday, April 16 - Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici Town Hall, 6 pm, Clatsop Community College, Columbia Hall 219, 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria
Saturday, April 20 - Cannon Beach-Manzanita Community Group table at Cannon Beach Earth Day. 11 am - 1 pm, US Bank parking lot
Wednesday, April 24 - US Representative Bonamici Town Hall, 6 pm, Clatskanie Cultural Center, Birkenfeld Theater, 75 South Nehalem Street, Clatskanie
Hope has two lovely daughters, anger and courage. Anger so that what must not be will not be and courage so that what can be will be. -- St. Augustine
ACTIONPRIORITIES How will your Members of Congress know what you want if you don't tell them?
• Members of Congress (MoC) care about getting re-elected, so contact ONLY elected officials who represent you so you don't dilute the power of actual constituents. • It's more effective to contact your MoC about one issue at a time. • Be sure to tell your MoC when you agree with their positions and votes.
Get active with INCO's Advocacy Team, Vote the Future Team, Book Club and Community Groups. Contact Laurie at incoregon@gmail.com for more information.