Tuesday, November 7 - INCO Oppose Bigotry Team meeting, 6 - 7:30 pm, Joan Herman's home in Astoria. All are invited to help us plan what proactive activities we want to organize and support. For directions, email Joan at Please disregard the email sent to Astoria INCO members with the incorrect date.
Wednesday, November 8 - INCO Reading Group, 6:30 pm, Carolyn Eady's home in Astoria. This month's book is "This Flight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America’s Middle Class," by Senator Elizabeth Warren. For directions, email Carolyn at
Thursday, November 9 - Resistance School: Public Narrative, 6-8 pm, Seaside Library Community Room. How do we talk about our resistance? Inspiring video followed by in-person informal discussion. This event is hosted by Seaside/Gearhart Indivisibles.
UPCOMING Tuesday, November 14 - Astoria INCO Community Group Meeting, 6 pm, Winekraft, foot of 11th on the Riverwalk, Astoria
Wednesday, November 15 - INCO Vote the Future Team, 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room.
Corrected date: Saturday, November 18 - Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, 11 a.m., Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Hwy 101, Warrenton.
Saturday, December 16 - - Warrenton INCO Community Group meeting, 11 a.m., Dooger's Seafood and Grill, Hwy 101, Warrenton.
INCO's Faces of Democracy
Kay brings decades of organizing experience to Seaside and INCO. Read more here.
"We stand at a pivotal point in our history. Our future depends in large part on whether we recognize Trump as a symptom of deeper problems or convince ourselves that his defeat will end our current discontent. Resilience is vital, but so is honesty." - - James Lee
"Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements," by Bill Moyer and others, 2001. MAP stands for Movement Action Plan. The book describes patterns in social movements that can be used to plan and carry out more effective social action.
Get involved with your INCO Community Group today in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside, Warrenton, Astoria, Washington Peninsula.
Scroll down on our blog to see a variety of resources. Many are helpful for other community groups you work with.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at incoregon@gmail.comShare this newsletter and our website with other resisters. They can join INCO here and ask to join our closed Facebook group.INCO is supported entirely by your donations! Donate here.INCO Weekly Newsletter November 6, 2017