Monday, October 30, 2023

10-30-23 Newsletter



Lots of Good News Of Late - A reminder of what we’ve learned in the last few weeks: 

Historian Health Cox Richardson continues to provide context and accurate news about current events. INCO enthusiastically recommends subscribing to her Substack newsletter, Letters from an American. This excerpt is from her October 28 edition:

"A recent stunning jobs report, showing that the economy continues to add jobs at record rates—more than 13.9 million since President Joe Biden took office—along with yesterday’s stunning report that U.S. economic growth grew at an annual pace of 4.9% in the third quarter of this year, puts the U.S. economy at the forefront of most of the world. And inflation is back in the range that the Federal Reserve prefers—it’s at 2.4%, close to the Fed’s target of 2%.

"The U.S. is outperforming forecasts made even before the pandemic began for where the economy would be now, even as other countries are worse off. 

"And yet, Rampell notes, Americans are about as negative about the economy today as they were during the Great Recession after 2008, when mortgage foreclosures were forcing people out of their homes and unemployment rested at about 9%, more than twice what it is today. In contrast, consumers give high marks to the Trump years, when average growth before the pandemic was 2.5% and the U.S. added only about 6.4 million jobs.

"There is a crucial divorce here between image and reality. Americans think our economy, currently the strongest in the world, is in poor shape. They mistakenly believe it was better under Trump."

-- Simon Rosenberg, Hopium Chronicles on Substack, October 26, 2023
This election affects those registered to vote within the city limits of City of Warrenton, in the Cannon Beach Rural Fire Protection District, and in the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District. 
Every election matters, and every vote counts.
Jessica Craven, author of Chop Wood, Carry Water on Substack, is guest speaker at the next COINversation. If you're not already registered for COIN meetings, register here to get the meeting link and submit a question for Jessica. If you are already registered, you can re-register if you want to submit a question. That's also election night, so we're extra excited to have Jessica with us as we wait for some important results around the country.  
The US has launched the first phase of the Regional Innovation and Technology Hub Program (Tech Hubs Program). The CHIPS and Science Act. Heather Cox Richardson details how these 31 hubs in 32 states and Puerto Rico will  innovate, create jobs, and protect our supply chains. It's an exciting program worth reading about here.
-- Swing Left, October 25, 2023
"The current Republican Party is not a coherent political entity. It’s not even a consortium of interest groups. It’s a toxic mass of self-interest, thriving in a right-wing media ecosystem and driven by a mix of fealty and fear toward an erratic, undisciplined, untethered, and egotistical would-be autocrat. What could go wrong? Obviously, a ton."
-- Dan Rather and Elliot Kirschner,
 Steady newsletter, October 24, 2023

"Conversations of a different sort are going on among the Republican members of the House of Representatives, but they are unwilling to talk to their Democratic colleagues, who have repeatedly offered to work with those Republicans who reject MAGA extremism."

-- Heather Cox Richardson, historian, Letters from an American, October 24, 2023
You can support pro-democracy candidates and issues:
• Tell  Senators Wyden and Merkley and Congresswoman Bonamici the issues and programs that matter to you. Contact information is at

• Get active with pro-democracy organizations. In Clatsop County, the most effective political party is the Democrats. Clatsop Democrats meet monthly on the 4th Monday via Zoom. For information on meetings, upcoming events and getting involved, go to  Have a question?  Contact secretary@clatsopdems

• Start thinking about your friends and neighbors who could run for local or state office next spring or in November, 2024.
"“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
– Viktor Frankl, Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor
Indivisible defends democracy by opposing authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption.
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at

Resources and other information at and
Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website 
or here.
Look for the INCO column in 
Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too.
INCO Weekly Newsletter   October 30, 2023
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