INCO is not affiliated with any political party. Because INCO shares many values with Clatsop County Democrats, we think you might want to see their endorsements for the May 16 election.
BALLOTS ARE OUT:Clatsop County began mailing ballots for the May 16 election to voters last week. If you haven't received your ballot or Voters' Pamphlet by May 5, contact Clatsop County Elections ASAP, at 503-325-8605, or go to the office at 820 Exchange, Suite 200, Astoria. Ballots are due or must be postmarked by May 16.BE A VOTER!
BIDEN-HARRIS 2024: Need inspiration? Check outthis brief video - it's President Biden's announcement that he and Kamala Harris are running for re-election in 2024.
This is a good time to make donation of any size to the official campaign, at, Joe Biden for President. Millions of Americans showing their support for Biden-Harris early in the campaign creates momentum, encourages others to join in, and upsets the GOP.
"As I noted when Biden announced his bid for re-election, no one who votes in 2024 will view the choice as “Biden versus Trump.” It is a choice between two disparate visions of America, between moral leadership and moral disintegration. The next eighteen months will be challenging and angst-inducing but we should be confident that Americans will respond to the vision of America in which people are treated with dignity, decency, and humanity. Never bet against that vision of America." -- Robert Hubbell, "Today's Edition" newsletter, April 28, 2023
• Check out the proposed state legislation supported by Oregon's Coastal Caucus, including bills related to salmon habitat and maritime workforce development. Representative David Gomberg, HD10, chairs the caucus and writes a terrific weekly newsletter that we recommend. The April 24 edition is especially useful.
• Want to see how to respond to misinformation and disappointing leadership? Want a helpful perspective about Oregon's forests? Read this fabulous letterto State Representative Cyrus Javadi from two Cannon Beach residents.
• Visit COIN's Legislation 2023 web page for updates on bills COIN has endorsed or opposed, or bills we are still watching. Legislators won't know what you want unless you tell them. Please take a moment to comment on at least one of the bills on COIN's Legislation web page.
Fox News hasn't apologized for lying about the 2020 election, Trump, the January 6insurrection, and - well, about sooooo many things. Here's what Fox could have said, courtesy of Stephen Colbert and The Late Show.
VOTERS AGREE WITH US More about the Fox News poll here.
Heather Cox Richardson's April 28 newsletter describes the deliberate takeover of state legislatures by extremist Republicans, who continue to ignore their voters, including Republicans. Oregonians must stay vigilant so this doesn't happen here.
NOT JUST ABORTION: "According to the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute, legislatures in at least ten states have set out to weaken federal child labor laws. In the first three months of 2023, legislators in Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and South Dakota introduced bills to weaken the regulations that protect children in the workplace,"
SIGN UP FOR THE ROP CAUCUS Oregon's Rural Organizing Project Meets May 20
Thursday, May 11 - INCO Community Meeting, via Zoom. Social time at 6 pm; meeting is 6:30-7:30 pm. All INCO members are invited to attend. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month. Link to join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 878 3561 8044 One tap mobile +12532050468,,87835618044# US +12532158782,,87835618044# US (Tacoma)
“With gratitude, optimism is sustainable.” — Michael J. Fox, spring 2023
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at Resources and other information at and Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website or here. Look for the INCO column in Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too. INCO Weekly Newsletter May 1, 2023