Monday, February 6, 2023

2-6-2023 Newsletter


INCO Community Meeting
Thursday, February 9, via Zoom
6 pm - social time; 6:30 - 7:30 pm - meeting
We'd love to see you!
For discussion:
News from our towns and Clatsop County
Keeping up with the Oregon Legislature
Special District elections
  -- What positions are on the ballot? Who's running?
  -- If you don't run, who will?
What else is on your mind?

Link to join Zoom meeting
 Meeting ID: 878 3561 8044
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,87835618044# US
+12532158782,,87835618044# US (Tacoma)
State Senator Suzanne Weber and State Representative Cyrus JavadI will be voting on many pieces of consequential legislation this year. How will that legislation affect you?

Kudos to the COIN volunteers, including INCO leader Cheryl Conway, who are tracking bills in this legislative session. Details in future INCO newsletters.
Volunteers who serve on Special District boards throughout the county provide direction for policy, programs, and budgets. They make decisions that affect many of us in our daily lives. Unfortunately, there are rarely enough volunteers to fill all the open positions.
Special Districts are a form of local government created by a local community to meet a specific need. Special districts in Clatsop County include schools, Clatsop Care and Union health districts, rural fire protection, and others. Countywide special districts are the Port of Astoria, Sunset Empire Transportation, and Clatsop Community College.

You can volunteer to serve by running for office in the Special District elections on May 16. Information about local positions and filing is on the 
Clatsop County website. The County Clerk's office at 503-325-8605 has details. Filing deadline for the May election is March 16.
Our communities need you. If you don't run, who will?
Register for this Zoom program here.
Enjoy these pro-democracy voices.  Please send your suggestions for newsletters, podcasts, and other resources to include in the INCO newsletter to
TV, YouTube, and podcasts
Jordan Klepper of The Daily Show interviews MAGA-lovers. Here's 
a recent sample.
The Problem With Jon Stewart

Inspiring stories about standing up against extremism, lies, and corruption

•  "Trumbo" - True story about award-winning screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, the Hollywood blacklist, and the House Un-America Committee
•  "All the President's Men" - True story of how 2 reporters and a security guard revealed the truth behind President Nixon's corrupt re-election campaign
•  "good night, and good luck" - True story about the courageous struggle to expose Senator Joseph McCarthy's corrupt campaign against alleged Communists in the US government
•  "A Face in the Crowd" - (fiction, in 1957) a power-hungry "country boy" becomes a television host and uses his show to become a popular political leader
"It is more chilling still to think that we have traded the assurance of an informed public with that of a well armed one."
-- Sarah Vogel
Thursday, February 9 - INCO Community Meeting, via Zoom. Social time at 6 pm; meeting is 6:30-7:30 pm. All INCO members are invited to attend. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Link to join Zoom meeting
 Meeting ID: 878 3561 8044
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,87835618044# US
+12532158782,,87835618044# US (Tacoma)
Did you ever notice that when you read the same book again and again, the book doesn’t change, but you do?
-- Dara Horn