Monday, January 23, 2023

1-23-2023 Newsletter


Indivisibles want to identify how COIN can be most effective in 2023. Here are some of the ideas culled from the dozens of Indivisible groups in Oregon.  
  • Recruit candidates in our local areas for the special district elections this May
  • Develop and expand our progressive messaging through the Oregon Better Together campaign and otherwise
  • Renew our We Care program
  • Improve COIN's messaging and its reach across Oregon. How can we best get information out to all Indivisibles in Oregon, not just leaders? Podcast? Newsletter? Blog? Other? 
INCO members are welcome at COIN meetings. Here's how to register for COIN meetings and sign up for our COIN Newsletters.  
Our hearts go out to the families, friends, and communities directly affected by the most recent gun homicides and suicides. 

Decades of thoughts and prayers. Decades of obstruction by Republican lawmakers and judges to fulfill widespread popular demand for gun control in America.

Thanks to these and other organizations working to achieve gun control in America.  They groups welcome your activism and financial support.

Moms Demand Action
Everytown for Gun Safety
The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence
INCO salutes the companies who have kept their promise to not donate to Members of Congress who supported the January 6 insurrection or who refused to vote to certify President Biden's election. Many companies broke their promise to not donate to those traitors. Thanks to The Lincoln Project for this information.
"There is nothing stopping Republican candidates and Republican voters and Republican leaders from pursuing their partisan and ideological goals while keeping their commitment to free and fair elections. There is nothing stopping them from rejecting antidemocracy extremists in their midst and affirming the vital principles of popular sovereignty, rule of law and political equality. There is nothing stopping them, in other words, from making a different set of choices about the kind of political party they wish to be part of.

"It’s not Democrats who left the voting public with only one choice if they want to protect democracy as they know it. The reason the stakes are so high is that the Republican Party has made them this high."
—Jamelle Bouie, 
New York Times, November 5, 2022 
Thursday, February 9 - INCO Community Meeting, via Zoom. Social time at 6 pm; meeting is 6:30-7:30 pm. All INCO members are invited to attend. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Link to join Zoom meeting
 Meeting ID: 878 3561 8044
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,87835618044# US
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"Sometimes citizenship requires overtime and double shifts."  
-- Rachel Maddow
Comments, news, and photos to INCO at
Resources and other information at and
Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website 
or here.
Look for the INCO column in 
Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too.
INCO Weekly Newsletter       January 23, 2023