Monday, December 12, 2022

12-12-2022 Newsletter


"In a Landscape" is the quilt designed and sewn by INCO leader Laurie Caplan for the Clatsop Democrats raffle. It is 41" x 47", all cotton, and ready to hang or use as a lap quilt.
What are the issues you care about? Please complete this survey from the CEE (Climate, Energy, Environment) Team of COIN. Your feedback will help COIN's CEE team affect policies and policies and programs at the state, federal and local levels that promote environmental sustainability. Please fill out the CEE survey by December 31.
• Watch as Lizzo shares the spotlight as a "champion of the people" with these stellar activists. 

• For more proof that every voice matters, major advances for civil rights for people with disabilities came from grassroots activists demanding change. "Crip Camp" is a film documenting this inspiring accomplishment.

 "I have faith in the underlying resilience of our country’s democracy. The antibodies to antidemocratic thinking and practice are kicking in." The director of Freedom House looks at the power of dissent and democracy in the US and around the world. 

•  Who decides how to run elections? That's the heart of a case before the US Supreme Court, Moore v. Harper. This New Yorker article explains the controversy - and why conservative Justices appear ready to disrupt precedent once again. 
About 2100 years ago the Greek-Syrian ruler, Antiochus, sought to forbid the practice of Judaism in what is now Israel and ordered Jews to turn instead to the Greek gods and pagan-worship, the very antithesis of the Jewish faith, which gave birth to monotheism.

In a victory against all odds, the Jews defeated Antiochus’s army, restoring their right to worship, and rededicated the Second Temple in their ancient capital, Jerusalem. This is considered the first battle for religious freedom and is the basis for the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

Starting Sunday, December 18, the first night of Chanukah this year, people of all religious faiths will display the Chanukah menorah in their windows, in solidarity with Jews facing increasing antisemitism and with religious freedom for all peoples.  

They won't know what you want if you don't tell them.
Please take a few minutes to call Senator Merkley's office (202-224-3753) and Senator Wyden's office (202-223-5244) and ask them to stay in session until the following Indivisible priorities are passed in these final weeks this session of Congress.
  • PASS S4573, The Electoral Count Act, to strengthen the presidential certification procedures and prevent future presidents from trying to overturn an election, as we witnessed Donald Trump try to do.
  • Lift the debt ceiling through reconciliation, to prevent the GOP from holding our government hostage in order to get their legislative agenda passed. Key Republicans in Congress are threatening to block raising the debt ceiling. If they succeed, the American and global economies would implode.
Thursday, January 12 - INCO South County Community Group, 6:30-7:30 pm, via Zoom. All INCO members are invited to attend. Contact Bebe at to get the Zoom link.
"People will sometimes forgive you the good you have done them,
but seldom the harm they have done to you."
-- Somerset Maugham
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Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website 
or here.
Look for the INCO column in 
Hipfish Monthly. We're on Facebook, too.
INCO Weekly Newsletter       December 12, 2022