INCO's All In for the Midterms Thursday, October 13 • 6:30 - 8 pm • via Zoom Q & A with special guests: Melissa Busch, candidate for Oregon Senate, in photo Logan Laity, candidate for Oregon House, in photo Mary Hunter, chair of Clatsop Democrats Also invited: Senator Wyden, Congresswoman Bonamici
First-hand stories of how to Get Out the Vote for democracy Hosted by INCO's South County Community Group Contact Bebe atlittlebylittle4change@gmail.comfor the Zoom link.
All INCO members are invited! We'd love to see you!
UNTIL THE ELECTION Will you wake up on November 9 and wish you’d done more, or will you know that you got in the arena and gave it your all?
VOLUNTEER FOR MELISSA BUSCH AND LOGAN LAITY To sign up to volunteer for either campaign, usethis link which has a zip code locator of nearby events.
WRITE TO VOTERS • Postcards To Voters: Handwritten postcards sent to Democrats to get out the vote. PTV provides scripts.Sign up at the website or at • Vote Forward:You print prepared letters to voters and add a few sentences. Vote Forward tells you when to mail them later this month. • Postcards To Swing States: Progressive Turnout Project provides the postcards, scripts and addresses to rally Democrats to vote.
For free postcards, envelopes, stamps, or information, contact
WRITE A LETTER Write a Letter to the Editor (LTE) - Write a few sentences or more, up to 250 words. Send to, along with your name, address, and phone. Contact info for other regional newspapers is here.
Democracy is on the ballot. Every additional voter matters.
Thursday, October 13 at 10 a.m. PT
"Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and chairman of the committee, said last week he expected the hearing to be the panel’s first without live testimony from witnesses. But he promised the committee would present new revelations about the Capitol riot and the events that led to it.
“'We still have significant information that we’ve not shown to the public,” Mr. Thompson told reporters on Capitol Hill." -- New York Times, October 6, 2022
AAUW CANDIDATES FORUM Tuesday, October 18 • 7 - 8:30 pm Location changed toPatriot Hall at Clatsop Community College Q&A with candidates for Astoria City Council: Ward 1: Andrew J. Davis and Geoff A. Gunn Ward 3: Kris Haefker and Elisabeth G. Adams Mayor - unopposed: Sean Fitzpatrick
"Darkness marches on, but so does illumination. Hatred marches on, but so does love. Greed marches on. So does charity.
Fascists march on.
We will march on also.
Evil doesn’t get extinguished—it just gets beaten back and beaten down over and over and over again.
Right now it’s our turn to do the beating.
If we do our jobs well, future generations will be able to take their turns more ably. That’s why we’re here; that’s why we act." --Jessica Craven, Chop Wood, Carry Water, October 6, 2022
Show your support for these excellent candidates with yard signs: Tina Kotek, Melissa Busch, Logan Laity, and Ron Wyden. Contact with your location and the signs you'd like.
The deadline to register to vote or to update your voter registration with a new name, address, or other vital info is Tuesday, October 18. Without current information, you won’t receive your voter information booklet or your ballot. Contact the Clatsop Elections Office for details at 503-325-8605.
INCO endorses these candidates because they defend democracy and oppose authoritarianism, bigotry, and corruption. INCO does not endorse candidates for city office.
Governor: Tina Kotek* State Senate: Melissa Busch State Representative: Logan Laity US Senate: Ron Wyden* US Representative: Suzanne Bonamici*
Check out COIN's side-by-side comparisonsof Kotek and Betsy Johnson regarding their actions and statements about climate, guns, reproductive health, housing, families, democracy, and ethics.
*Also endorsed by COIN (Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network). As a statewide alliance of 40+ groups, COIN only endorses federal and statewide candidates.
Kudos to INCO's Warrenton Community Group. They adopted Harbor Drive as a community project and have completed cleaning it up on both sides of the street from the bridge to Fred Meyer, collecting lots of bags of trash during three days of work.
We'd love to mail you your free button(s) reminding people to vote to support women's reproductive rights. Thanks to Bebe Michel for making the buttons and to a generous donor for covering mailing costs. Please send your request, including which design, quantity, and mailing address, to
Thursday, October 13 - INCO South County Community Group hosts INCO's All In for the Midterms, 6:30-8 pm, via Zoom. Contact Bebe at littlebylittle4change@gmail.comto get the Zoom link.
Thursday, October 13 - INCO-Warrenton Community Group meeting.INCO's All In for the Midterms, 6:30-8 pm, via Zoom. Hosted by INCO South County Community Group. Contact Bebe at littlebylittle4change@gmail.comto get the Zoom link.
Thursday, October 13 - INCO Astoria/North County Community Group meeting. INCO's All In for the Midterms, 6:30-8 pm, via Zoom. Hosted by INCO South County Community Group. Contact Bebe at littlebylittle4change@gmail.comto get the Zoom link.
Every Friday - INCO Write to Voters (WTV), via Zoom, 3-4 pm. Informal chat while we write letters and postcards to voters. Contact incoregon@gmail.comto get the Zoom link if you haven't previously attended.
"What is hateful to thee, do not unto thy fellow; this is the whole law. All the rest is a commentary to this law; go and learn it." —The Talmud