Monday, July 19, 2021

7-19-2021 Newsletter


INCO continues to work for dignity and democracy, as we did at our rally on July 28, 2018.  

"You are the frontline of defense for government by and for the people."
-- Senator Jeff Merkley, when asked what Indivisibles and other activists can do for our democracy, COINversation, 7-14-21

"The 2022 midterms have begun. We need to act accordingly. If you were active in 2018 or 2020, reprise those actions! If you are new to political activism or sat on the sidelines in prior elections, there is no time like the present to become involved. The events of January 6th demonstrate that none of us can afford to be a bystander any longer. Do your part, in whatever way you can." 
—Robert Hubbell, Today’s Edition, 7-12-21

Please contact Senators Merkley and Wyden, even if you've called before. Thank them for their support of S.1 and urge them to continue to push for its passage. Your calls matter!

The Senate needs to pass S.1, the For the People Act soon so we have time for its provisions to go into effect before the 2022 midterms.  Pro-democracy groups around the country, including Indivisible, are keeping up the pressure.
" A source of grievance for Trump’s base is that the world is slipping away from their control and will continue to do so as their numbers shrink. That dynamic may fuel anger and violence over the short term, but it will also inevitably ensure their defeat. We don’t have to win every battle; we need only win enough of them to keep the flame alive until we can achieve victory. We can do that."
-- Robert Hubbell, Today's Edition, 7-14-21

"With the blessing of the Roberts court, legislatures in Republican-run states are rushing to impose new voting restrictions, particularly on non-White voters. A 
tally by the Brennan Center finds that, as of June 21, 17 states had enacted 28 new laws restricting the ability to vote since the start of this year.

"At the same time, 10 states have enacted, and 26 states are weighing, restrictions on classroom discussions of racism and sexism, according to an Education Week count. Ostensibly, these restrictions combat critical race theory, an academic notion turned into a boogeyman by Republican politicians and sympathetic groups."
Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 7-13-21

"Though this year’s proliferation of bills restricting ballot access in red states has commanded national attention, it represents just one stream in a torrent of conservative legislation poised to remake the country .... Across these states and others, Republican legislators and governors have operated as if they were programming a prime-time lineup at Fox News. They have focused far less on the small-government, limited-spending, and anti-tax policies that once defined the GOP than on an array of hot-button social issues, such as abortion, guns, and limits on public protest, that reflect the cultural and racial priorities of Trump’s base."
- Ronald Brownstein, The Atlantic, June 3, 2021

It's time each of us starts looking for candidates for school board, county commissioner, and state senator. Clatsop County voters have elected very conservative candidates in the last few elections. We must stop the slide to the right.
SUMMER HIATUS - INCO South County Community Group and INCO North County Community Group are not meeting during the summer. They'll resume meetings in September. See the article in the newsletter for details. 
Write To Voters. Special elections and issue campaigns need you year-round. INCO encourages you to sign up to write to voters at or for general Get Out the Vote campaigns, sign up at Vote Forward. For supplies or information, contact
"Activism is my rent for living on the planet."
-- Alice Walker, author and activist
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Encourage others to sign up for the INCO newsletter at our website or here.

INCO Weekly Newsletter  July 19, 2021