WHY WE NEED S.1 AND SJM 5 Thanks to Senator Jeff Merkley for reminding us of key provisions of S.1, the For the People Act: • Members of Congress will be prohibited by law from using taxpayer dollars to settle cases of sexual harassment or employment discrimination. Honestly, why was this ever legal?! • We're going to require that tax returns for presidents and presidential nominees will be made public. • For the first time, we'll require the establishment of a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices. That's right, unlike every other judge in America, there's no formal code of ethics for the Supreme Court. And sometimes... it shows. • Former Members of Congress are already barred from lobbying for one year. But now, they'll be barred from "advising" lobbyists, too — a loophole so big you can drive a multinational corporation through it. • And we'll slam shut the feathering of nests by executive appointees. No more giving away sweetheart government contracts to your former employer — or taking a job with a federal contractor that you awarded a contract to. And no more massive corporate bonuses for executives "taking leave to serve in government." Contact State Representative Suzanne Weber and urge her to co-sponsor and vote for Oregon's SJM 5. This is a bipartisan resolution endorsing a proposed climate change bill in Congress, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA). This resolution is part of a nationwide effort to show support from state legislatures and their constituents for the EICDA.
State Representative Weber: 503-986-1432 Senator Merkley: 202-224-3753 Senator Wyden: 202-224-5244 More contact information is here. |