Monday, June 25, 2018

INCO Weekly Newsletter 6/25

 with US Representative Suzanne Bonamici
Sign up here by 10 a.m. to participate.
Rally to Keep Families Together
 Saturday, June 30
   11am - 12:30 pm  
NEW LOCATION: 16th and Marine Drive, Astoria 
 on the wide sidewalk on the north side of Marine Drive
Rally with INCO to protest the Trump administration’s chaotic, contradictory, and cruel immigration policies and practices, including proposing indefinite incarceration of migrant families, ignoring families seeking asylum, delaying reuniting immigrant children separated by the US government from their parents at our southern border, and refusing to increase the number of immigration judges. INCO is one of a coalition of groups demonstrating around the country, including in DC, on June 30. 
Bring signs and chants! 
Guidelines for the Rally
1. Follow the instructions from our Safety Monitors, who will be wearing neon vests.
2. Stay on the sidewalk, not in the street.
3. Do not block pedestrians or vehicles.
4. Be respectful to all passersby, even those who disagree with our rally.
5. Do not engage with hecklers.
Parking: Carpools encouraged! 
Do not park in the Columbia River Maritime Museum parking lot. It is not a public lot and is for museum use only.  

If you're on foot, cross Marine Drive at the light at 14th or at the crosswalks at 16th and 17th.
There is on-street parking on Marine Drive from 16th west through downtown, and limited parking as you turn on 14th toward the river, along the Riverwalk, and along other north-south streets. There is one handicap space in the area - along the Riverwalk, just as you turn north on 14th from Marine Drive. There is more parking available on the streets on the other side of Marine Drive. Questions to
Why We Rally
An emergency physician and an incarcerated 8-year-old
Big profits in incarcerating migrants

Texas law enforcement officials resist
The cost of detaining immigrants
Combatting fake news - a brief TED talk video
- - - - - - - - - -
US Representative Suzanne Bonamici says these organizations are helping immigrant families separated at the border. You can contribute here. 
Restore Decency in DC                   Seeking Asylum is not a Crime
Where are the babies?                     Families Belong Together  
Find the children                               Jail is No Place for Families
ACTION PRIORITIES    Contact elected officials here.
Sign up for the weekly Americans of Conscience Action Checklist. 
The news changes daily about Trump-created chaos in immigration, trade wars, corruption, and authoritarian governance. 
Please thank Senators Cantwell, Merkley, Murray, and Wyden and US Representative Bonamici for working to restore decency in America's treatment of migrants. They need to hear from constituents who like their advocacy and votes against separating families at the border and about other issues.
Tell Your Members of Congress to:
•  Develop a humane, practical bipartisan immigration policy that includes reuniting families forcibly separated by the US government. Info and opinion columns here.

• Protect all Americans. Stop the bigotry and oppression by Trump and his administration. Stop attacking America's allies and embracing America's totalitarian enemies. Provide meaningful help for Puerto Rico's recovery from Hurricane Maria. Oppose  nominees to be federal judges who fail to support equal rights for all people. Stand with people who need help getting medical care and enough food to eat. 

• Uphold the rule of law and protect our democracy. Especially if Trump fires Rosenstein or Mueller or otherwise tries to stomp on the rule of law. More info here.
Check for details and new posts on our events page.
All Indivisibles are welcome at all these events and meetings.
Friday, June 29 - Postcards to Voters Writing Party, 4 - 5:30 pm, Gearhart.  Contact Bebe at for address.  Note the new time. If you can, join us afterwards for food and drinks at the Sand Trap.

Saturday, June 30 - Rally to Keep Families Together, 11am - 12:30 pm. New location: the north side of Marine Drive at 16th, Astoria. Bring your signs and chants. Read guidelines and parking suggestions above.
Wednesday, July 4 - Walk with Seaside/Gearhart INCO and Warrenton INCO in the Seaside 4th of July Parade. Details below.  All Indivisibles are invited to parade with INCO. 

Saturday, July 7 - Astoria INCO Community Group meeting, 8 a.m., Street Fourteen Cafe, 1410 Commercial; no purchase necessary.

Wednesday, July 18 INCO Vote the Future Team, 6:30 pm, Seaside Library Board Room. All Indivisibles interested in voting and elections are welcome.

Wednesday, July 18 -  Keep Russia Out of Oregon's Elections - Confront Corruption Event, 8:18 pm, at the big orange Seaside Chair at the corner of 101 and Broadway in Seaside. Bring signs and drums. Wipe out corruption with a Blue Wave 2018.

Saturday, July 21 - Warrenton INCO Community Group Meeting, 11 am, Dooger’s Seafood and Grill, Highway 101, Warrenton. No purchase necessary. 

Wednesday, August 8 - A Conversation with Chris Lehmann: PROSPERITY AND POLITICS: THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE, 7 pm, Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Free and open to everyone. Snacks and drinks available for purchase. Doors open at 6:15 pm. Hosted by INCO Astoria Community Group.
Parade with INCO on July 4
Walk with INCO Seaside/Gearhart and Warrenton Seaside's 4th of July Parade
All Indivisibles from everywhere are invited to walk with INCO. Dress in red, white and blue clothing. The parade starts at 12 noon, but we will be decorating by 10:00 am. The parade gathers by number on Necanicum Drive. We will know the number 1-2 days before. Call Kathleen if questions- 971-404-7192. 
Signatures Needed for Proposed Assault Weapons Ban
You can help get the proposed assault weapons ban on the Oregon ballot in November. Advocates for IP43 have until July 6 to get enough signatures to please this proposal on the ballot. You can gather signatures after a brief online training.  Click on the "Gather Signatures" tab to get started. It takes about 20 minutes. 
Senators Wyden and Merkley have introduced a bill requiring paper ballots in federal elections as well as risk-limited audits. This looks like a great bill to introduce election integrity nationally.  Oregon Representative Bluemenauer has introduced the same bill into the Congress.  Here is info on this bill, H.R. 6093.

Ask Representative Bonamici to co-sponsor and get this passed. When voters don't trust their voting systems, they don't vote. When citizens don't vote, we lose our democracy.
Thanks to Bebe, Deb, Eric, and Laura for training new canvassers to get out the progressive vote in the August 7 Washington State primary. Thanks to INCO WA for their enthusiastic participation. Watch out, Jaime Herrera-Buetler, as INCO Storms the Midterms!
Local progressives are working to win seats in nearby Congressional districts. Washington voters will decide on August 7th who’ll oppose incumbent Trumpster, Republican Jaime Herrera-Buetler, in November.

Jamie McLeod-Skinner is running to unseat the incumbent , Trump-enthusiast Greg Walden in Oregon - see the map below. For the latest events and information, follow her on Facebook
 and subscribe to her YouTube channel. Walden was a leader in pushing TrumpCare to replace the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).

Let's Start Storming!  
Important actions you can do at home, from your kitchen table, anytime.
TEXT: Sign up at to help get out the vote in upcoming elections nationwide. We’ll be adding local texting options soon.

DONATE to a candidate willing to stand up to this administration.
Sign up here to be part of INCO's Storm the Midterms team.
Order 'I am the Storm' t-shirts here. 
Oregon's Congressional District 2, the light blue area above, is one of the largest geographically in the US. It will take a lot of us to help Jamie McLeod-Skinner unseat the incumbent US Representative, Trump-enthusiast Greg Walden. 
Vote the Future News
Voting. Elections. Candidates. Storming the Midterms. Support democracy with INCO's Vote the Future Team. Lots going on - and you can help! Check Happenings for meeting info. And check out our Vote the Future website.
Postcards To Voters Writing Party
Friday, June 29 •  4 - 5:30 pm 
Contact Bebe at for the Gearhart address.
We provide postcards, pens, and postage. And good company, of course.

We'd love for you to join us afterwards for food and drink at the nearby Sand Trap.

 Our INCO group mailed 211 postcards for Eileen Higgins who ran for County Commissioner in Miami-Dade County in Florida.  She won by 6 points!!!  Democratic voter participation was higher than normal.  -- Bebe, INCO

You can send Postcards to Voters on your own 
It's easy to sign up for - they'll send you guidelines, and you can anonymously contact anonymous voters elsewhere at your convenience.
Save the Date
Conversation with Chris Lehmann
Wednesday, August 8, 7 pm
Lovell Showroom, 426 14th Street, Astoria
Free and open to all. Doors open at 6:15 pm.
Join Chris Lehmann, editor of The Baffler and author of The Money Cult and Rich People Things, for an on-stage conversation on how and why money corrupts American democracy and what we can do about it. 
Light fare and drinks available for purchase. Donations welcome. 
Hosted by Indivisible North Coast Oregon (INCO) Astoria
Double Your Money for New Projects 
Donate to INCO this summer using our new distributed fundraising link, and your donation will be matched by Indivisible National, up to $500 total. Your gift will help fund our "I Will Vote" essay contest for high school students in Pacific and Clatsop counties and our campaign to Storm the Midterms this fall. Exciting details coming in future newsletters.
"When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality.

“Sometimes, it's in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it's abuse of power.  And sometimes, it's both. If left unchecked, these abuses can erode the institutions that preserve and protect our rights and freedoms -- and open the door to tyranny and fascism.”

-  Michael Bloomberg
We're Ready! 
Here's INCO's plan if Trump crosses one of three red lines that threatens the rule of law as it relates to the investigation: fire Mueller, fire Rosenstein, or pardon key figures. 
  • If actions are triggered BEFORE 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ 5 p.m. local time.
  • If actions are triggered AFTER 2 p.m. local time —> events will begin @ noon local time the following day.
We'll take to the streets to Rally for the Rule of Law at 8th and Commercial in Astoria. Indivisibles across the nation will be gathering according to this schedule.  

We'll post info about a Rally for the Rule of Law on our INCO Facebook page and email an Action Alert. You can also sign up (RSVP) for a notification here.  
Inform and inspire others with a letter to the editor (LTE) to the Daily Astorian. Letters are among the most popular features in the paper. Even a paragraph or two makes an impact. Rules and directions for submitting your letter are here
Write about an issue you care about.
INCO has Community Groups in Manzanita-Cannon Beach, Seaside-Gearhart, Warrenton, Astoria-East County, or the Washington Peninsula. All INCO Indivisibles are invited to get active with INCO's Events Team, Oppose Bigotry Team, Vote the Future Team, and Book Club. Contact Laurie at for more information.
Questions, suggestions, & photos to INCO at
Elections, voting, issues, and more at INCO's Vote the Future website:

 Join INCO's closed Facebook group for more actions, information, and discussion.
Share this newsletter and our website with other resisters.
INCO is supported entirely by donations. Please donate here.

Deb Vanasse and Laurie Caplan, INCO Co-chairs
INCO Weekly Newsletter   June 25, 2018